barncastle / CookieRun-DJBF-Converter

A tool for encrypting and decrypting Cookie Run DBJ files
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Kakao .cdn (Content Delivery Network) Decryption #10

Open probperiplum opened 1 year ago

probperiplum commented 1 year ago

Earlier we had an issue published regarding the possiblity of you figuring out how to engineer a way to do the index.json files to match that of the live version of the game. However, Syrupyy has discovered that the .cdn file is responsible for the hash check, but there was partial encryption. We however discovered that it may be easier than initially thought.

The game holds several cdn directories for the files, but they are at the moment encrypted. We figured that you may have a possible lead in figuring out a way to decrypt and re-encrypt this file, as this will essentially solve most of our problems regarding live Kakao modding.

The files are located at these URLs:

Android: (this one is considered more important as Android is more accessible)


I would appreciate if you look into this!

PinkSheep752 commented 1 year ago

@barncastle can you please get back to us as soon as you can? I get you may be busy with other things and such, but there are three issues here that are still unsolved...