barneygale / mark2

minecraft server wrapper, written in python with twisted
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triggers help #108

Closed trentech closed 6 years ago

trentech commented 10 years ago

I need help with triggers. I'm not 100% i know what they do. I assume for example someone says a specific word and a response is sent to that player. Problem is when testing this theory nothing happens. Little help.

barneygale commented 10 years ago

Aye. It's a factoid database, e.g. a player might write "!irc" in chat, and the server will "/say Our IRC channel is #xyz ...".

To make it work you need a file called "triggers.txt" in the same directory as your server jar.

One common reason it doesn't work is if you use plugins which modify the console chat format. It's expecting a simple " message here" format. If you use something different, could you please paste a portion of your server log showing some chat lines?