barneygale / mark2

minecraft server wrapper, written in python with twisted
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BungeeCord support #112

Open vemacs opened 10 years ago

vemacs commented 10 years ago

Is it possible for mark2 to add support for BungeeCord?

Basically, for detection of whether or not a server is BungeeCord, the server starts with something like:

14:16:35 [INFO] Enabled BungeeCord version git-BungeeCord-Proxy-1.6.1-SNAPSHOT-"fb1cab4"-595

Server list ping starts working at around:

14:17:17 [INFO] Listening on /

To stop the server via ~stop, /end should be used instead. Saving of any sort is disabled. Is this possible?

gsand commented 10 years ago


Goblom commented 10 years ago


gsand commented 10 years ago

Would require adding those as config options in the file. ymarsgb

vemacs commented 10 years ago

This would work if mark2 logging levels worked for BungeeCord.

gsand commented 10 years ago

It would be ideal if everything would be done through the file, it's just a few changes that shouldn't be too hard for someone who is familiar with python.

You could even make it so that new and old versions of different applications could run on the same mark2 instance.

Output Formatting:

Done Message:

Stop Command:

Ping Service: