barneygale / mark2

minecraft server wrapper, written in python with twisted
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[feature] ~hold and ~unhold function #142

Open Slind14 opened 10 years ago

Slind14 commented 10 years ago


would it be possible to add an ~hold and ~unhold command, like rtk has. This way I wouldn´t have to stop it, switch out of mark2 and start it again.

gsand commented 10 years ago

you can leave it on all the time.

to "step out" of mark2, just press ctrl+c

then to get back into mark2, type mark2 attach

Slind14 commented 10 years ago

I know. but I want to hold the server, like stopping it. to make some changes and start it again. I would like to do this without leaving the mark2 gui

gsand commented 10 years ago

That's a fantastic idea.
