barneygale / mark2

minecraft server wrapper, written in python with twisted
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Specify config on launch #79

Closed punkeel closed 11 years ago

punkeel commented 11 years ago

Allow to specify a config file on run. Only available from python environment, (don't wan't to mess your options code :( )

edk0 commented 11 years ago

This won't quite work properly as more modules than launcher look for the config file.

In the 'setuptools' branch head, the config directory is located by a function in the 'mk2.shared' module. I think this would be a better place for changing the config location.

punkeel commented 11 years ago

I don't understand how to "change" config path, and what code is used, (and when), to locate it. Is setuptools branch here for pip install's ?

edk0 commented 11 years ago

that's the aim, yes, but it's going to be merged into master soon. Look at my inclination would be to add a launcher option to override this path.

btw, we're in #mark2 on freenode if you want to ask about anything you don't understand about the code. we can probably help you there.