barneygale / mark2

minecraft server wrapper, written in python with twisted
105 stars 27 forks source link

If set, use $EDITOR for editing the config #98

Closed mystal closed 10 years ago

mystal commented 10 years ago

I tried using mark2 on a box with Arch Linux on it and kept getting errors when trying to run "mark config". After some research it seems that mark2 currently expects users to have Debian's alternatives system installed. I've added the option for mark2 to simply use the editor defined in $EDITOR, which is already used by several other programs.

totemo commented 10 years ago

At least on my old Fedora system, there is no program called "editor" (referenced by the launcher). As far as I recall, $EDITOR has been the "standard" way to do it, at least as far back as my Sloaris days. Maybe even SunOS :)