barneygale / quarry

Python library that implements the Minecraft network protocol and data types
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import could not be resolved #188

Open Capyblapy opened 1 year ago

Capyblapy commented 1 year ago

Im trying to have this in my python script: from import DownstreamFactory, Bridge image although my code editor (VSC) is telling me "Import "" could not be resolvedPylance[reportMissingImports]" image I have done pip install quarry and I have tried uninstalling and re-installing it and restarting my VSC and such and nothing has worked.

Misjudgments commented 1 year ago

@Capyblapy not sure if you still need help with it, since you hasn't close the issue. but the issue is that you are trying to import a local python script to your own python script, "from import ..." means from quarry folder, from net folder open the file and import the methods... to fix this error you can just put your python script into the main folder of the quarry project. (p.s english is not my first language and i'm not an expert in python so please forgive me if i have mistakes of some sort.)