baronfel / fsharp-lang-testbed

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Introduce array spread operator for pattern matching and [<ParamArray>] #28

Open baronfel opened 7 years ago

baronfel commented 7 years ago

Idea 11462964: Introduce array spread operator for pattern matching and []

Status : declined

Submitted by Ryan Riley on 1/15/2016 12:00:00 AM

18 votes

Several languages have introduced a handy spread operator, ..., that can be used to pick up remaining arguments to a function call or when destructuring values. [1] This would be incredibly helpful in F# to reduce boilerplate in methods accepting a [] or when trying to pattern match arrays: match [|1;2;3;4|] with | [||] -> // do stuff with empty array | [|hd;…tl|] -> // do stuff with hd/tl [1]