barotto / IBMulator

The IBM PS/1 emulator.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Hacking the ROM BIOS for date and clock format? #84

Closed WishBeer closed 6 months ago

WishBeer commented 6 months ago

Is it possible to hack the ROM for viewing date and clock mm.dd.yy and 24 hour clock independent of rom language?

barotto commented 6 months ago

Dates are formatted using the COUNTRY.SYS command. I think all you have to do is add a suitable country line in C:\CONFIG.SYS, then set the CMOS to force the PS/1 to load CONFIG.SYS from C: using CUSTOMIZ.EXE. However I'm not sure there's a setting for mm.dd.yy with 24h clocks. Otherwise you would need to alter the ROMSHELL.COM program to do exactly that.

WishBeer commented 6 months ago

When I changed the code in the line that sets the country code according to that ROM's country in the ROM file, I got the result I wanted. Changing the config.syscountry code does not change the date/time format on the 4 quad screen, only the change is observed when switching to DOS.