barredo / mastodeck

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Link hover styles? #58

Closed codemasher closed 1 year ago

codemasher commented 1 year ago

Right now MastoDeck feels pretty "dead" because there are no hover styles - not even simple underlines? The pointer cursor is basically everywhere and i have no clue what happens if I click. Please make it look more "alive". Customizable link colors would be cool too! 🙂

Quick fix via injected CSS:

a:hover, a:active, a:focus{
    text-decoration: underline;
barredo commented 1 year ago

On it :-)

barredo commented 1 year ago


Let's go!

barredo commented 1 year ago

Thoughts? @codemasher image

codemasher commented 1 year ago

Oh wow that is nice! Thank you for the quick fix/enhancement!

codemasher commented 1 year ago

Since this is closed, a lil question: are hover styles coming too? Colored links are great and all but it still feels dead... :)