barredo / mastodeck

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Multi-column Flow #67

Open LeadDreamer opened 1 year ago

LeadDreamer commented 1 year ago

Allow a single feed (Home, Alerts, Direct, Whatever...) to flow through multiple columns - for example, I may want my Home feed to occupy at least two columns of screen space... Best if implemented per-feed, but "allow [n] columns" is acceptable. Extra Bonus for horizontal scrolling

barredo commented 1 year ago

Others have pointed out the option for any column to have its own width, which I think I could combine with this idea.

a) user sets default width for all columns in settings b) user sets width for that specific column in the options of that column--- either as multiplier (0,8x, 1.5x, 2x, 3x) or as a fixed number in pixels??

LeadDreamer commented 1 year ago

Not quite what I was envisioning - not looking to make columns WIDER, but to make any particular list LONGER by running it down one column, then down the next,then down the nest...