barronh / pseudonetcdf

PseudoNetCDF like NetCDF except for many scientific format backends
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Reopening of pseudonetcdf output raises error #111

Closed nishadhka closed 4 years ago

nishadhka commented 4 years ago

There is a WRF output necdf file preprocesed to use with camx model, When I want to convert that file into CF form. used following codes

import PseudoNetCDF as pnc
inpath = ''
outpath = ''

infile = pnc.pncopen(inpath, format='ioapi').copy()
pnc.conventions.ioapi.add_cf_from_ioapi(infile), verbose=0)

## the output file gets opened in xarray without any issue

However, after that python session closed (ctrl+x). Reopening of the outpath through following error

Python 3.7.6 | packaged by conda-forge | (default, Mar  5 2020, 15:27:18) 
[GCC 7.3.0] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import xarray as xr
>>> outpath = ''
>>> db=xr.open_dataset(outpath)
HDF5-DIAG: Error detected in HDF5 (1.10.4) thread 140408649123648:
  #000: H5F.c line 509 in H5Fopen(): unable to open file
    major: File accessibilty
    minor: Unable to open file
  #001: H5Fint.c line 1400 in H5F__open(): unable to open file
    major: File accessibilty
    minor: Unable to open file
  #002: H5Fint.c line 1615 in H5F_open(): unable to lock the file
    major: File accessibilty
    minor: Unable to open file
  #003: H5FD.c line 1640 in H5FD_lock(): driver lock request failed
    major: Virtual File Layer
    minor: Can't update object
  #004: H5FDsec2.c line 941 in H5FD_sec2_lock(): unable to lock file, errno = 11, error message = 'Resource temporarily unavailable'
    major: File accessibilty
    minor: Bad file ID accessed
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/conda/lib/python3.7/site-packages/xarray/backends/", line 198, in _acquire_with_cache_info
    file = self._cache[self._key]
  File "/opt/conda/lib/python3.7/site-packages/xarray/backends/", line 53, in __getitem__
    value = self._cache[key]
KeyError: [<class 'netCDF4._netCDF4.Dataset'>, ('',), 'r', (('clobber', True), ('diskless', False), ('format', 'NETCDF4'), ('persist', False))]

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/opt/conda/lib/python3.7/site-packages/xarray/backends/", line 502, in open_dataset
    filename_or_obj, group=group, lock=lock, **backend_kwargs
  File "/opt/conda/lib/python3.7/site-packages/xarray/backends/", line 358, in open
    return cls(manager, group=group, mode=mode, lock=lock, autoclose=autoclose)
  File "/opt/conda/lib/python3.7/site-packages/xarray/backends/", line 314, in __init__
    self.format = self.ds.data_model
  File "/opt/conda/lib/python3.7/site-packages/xarray/backends/", line 367, in ds
    return self._acquire()
  File "/opt/conda/lib/python3.7/site-packages/xarray/backends/", line 361, in _acquire
    with self._manager.acquire_context(needs_lock) as root:
  File "/opt/conda/lib/python3.7/", line 112, in __enter__
    return next(self.gen)
  File "/opt/conda/lib/python3.7/site-packages/xarray/backends/", line 186, in acquire_context
    file, cached = self._acquire_with_cache_info(needs_lock)
  File "/opt/conda/lib/python3.7/site-packages/xarray/backends/", line 204, in _acquire_with_cache_info
    file = self._opener(*self._args, **kwargs)
  File "netCDF4/_netCDF4.pyx", line 2291, in netCDF4._netCDF4.Dataset.__init__
  File "netCDF4/_netCDF4.pyx", line 1855, in netCDF4._netCDF4._ensure_nc_success
OSError: [Errno -101] NetCDF: HDF error: b''

Apart from the xarray open, this file is not being able to open in cdo as well, cdo raises a similar error for

cdo -info
HDF5-DIAG: Error detected in HDF5 (1.10.4) thread 140607716386624:
  #000: H5F.c line 509 in H5Fopen(): unable to open file
    major: File accessibilty
    minor: Unable to open file
  #001: H5Fint.c line 1400 in H5F__open(): unable to open file
    major: File accessibilty
    minor: Unable to open file
  #002: H5Fint.c line 1615 in H5F_open(): unable to lock the file
    major: File accessibilty
    minor: Unable to open file
  #003: H5FD.c line 1640 in H5FD_lock(): driver lock request failed
    major: Virtual File Layer
    minor: Can't update object
  #004: H5FDsec2.c line 941 in H5FD_sec2_lock(): unable to lock file, errno = 11, error message = 'Resource temporarily unavailable'
    major: File accessibilty
    minor: Bad file ID accessed

cdo info: Open failed on ><
Unknown Error

Interestingly, after the system reboot. In case within a docker env, logging off/exit. The opening of the file in xarry or cdo, won't raise any error. Is it a memory leak

barronh commented 4 years ago

I'm not totally sure, but I have a recommendation.

Replication without error

First, I want to describe how I tested you example on on Google Colab without an issue.


  1. Follow link:
  2. Delete the last two cells (code and markdown)
  3. Add a cell with the code "pip install xarray"
  4. Add a cell with your code and the missing "import xarray as xr"
  5. Add another cell with
    import xarray as xr


6. Download from your link.
7. Upload it to colab.
8. Run all cells except for the last one. Runs without an error.
9. Restart the "kernel."
10. Run the last cell.

I get no errors or warnings... Not sure why this would be the case.

# Recommendation

My guess is that somewhere a buffering is occurring that leaves the file in an odd state. The `save` method returns the netcdf4.Dataset that is "on disk" and still in an open state. Perhaps an explicit `close` would help to flush write.

<, verbose=0), verbose=0).close()

Since I cannot repeat the errors, I cannot be sure. Please let me know if that helps.

nishadhka commented 4 years ago

Thanks, the explicit close did the magic. Now the files gets open without any error after a Python session. The code is as follows

import PseudoNetCDF as pnc
inpath = ''
outpath = ''

infile = pnc.pncopen(inpath, format='ioapi').copy()
pnc.conventions.ioapi.add_cf_from_ioapi(infile), verbose=0).close()

Closing the python session (ctrl+x) and running following comment raises, no error!

import xarray as xr
outpath = ''