barrycumbie / animated-octo-adventure

CIS 486 Spring 2022 MEAN APP REPO
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Esther's Enneagram Profile #14

Closed esthergiles closed 2 years ago

esthergiles commented 2 years ago

User Story

As a developer on a team b stability and open communication So That everyone feels safe, heard, and respected.


I am a type 9, wing 2 ☮️ as per this cool free test (& if you are familiar with Myers Brigg, I am an ENFP). This means that I desire stability and peace in relationships with others and myself. I do not enjoy conflict. I believe that if we are proactive in our communications that we can set and recognize boundaries with one another, and the more we recognize and respect each other's boundaries (as well as our own), the less conflict we find ourselves in. I enjoy helping others and coming up with solutions to problems. I would say my strength on a team is being open-minded and willing to collaborate.

I tend to be malleable on a team and fit in where I am needed. I enjoy bringing people together and providing motivation.

Looking forward to gaining some experience on how to be Agile 👟 this semester!