barrycumbie / animated-octo-adventure

CIS 486 Spring 2022 MEAN APP REPO
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add zachcutshall to dev profile to team page #6

Closed zachcutshall closed 2 years ago

zachcutshall commented 2 years ago

Story Card

User Story

As a team developer I want become self aware So That I can learn to work well with my fellow peers.


I am a Type 9 "The Peacemaker".

According to my Enneagram Test.

Become self-possessed, feeling autonomous and fulfilled: have great equanimity and contentment because they are present to themselves. Paradoxically, at one with self, and thus able to form more profound relationships. Intensely alive, fully connected to self and others.

It states that I am 9w1. According to the site:

A nine with a one wing desires peace of mind and world peace and fears being separated or lost from what they care about. Therefore, a nine with a one wing will feel inclined to bring order and routine to situations to avoid negative emotions.

Therefore in a group setting, a negative to being a 9 would be that they tend to withdraw and not speak. Even if, they have a good idea. A positive would be that they can relate to almost anyone, so it makes them really good peacemakers or negotiators.

Min. Acceptance Criteria