barryhunter / classygmaps

Rip-off of Classic Google Maps, get a mostly functional version of Classic Maps, implemented with the Maps API
26 stars 14 forks source link

Closed?? #100

Open KROGG opened 8 years ago

KROGG commented 8 years ago

Have Google really pulled the plug on you, Barry? :-( Beyond devastated here.

KROGG commented 8 years ago

Heh.. Silly me. Grabbed the HTML :-)

gnomontosunlight commented 8 years ago

Yet, I do not understand it at all (or is it me?; has it something to do with HTML?), for if I now try to open ClassyGMaps on (or its fork), this is what is stated there at the moment: "This page has been removed at the request of Google, because it potentially violates the Maps API Terms of Service. Sorry." So, was there a takedown by gokml at the request of Google, and if so, how could ClassyGMaps be reached now then? Or is it all over now, all of the sudden, Barry? That would be beyond devastation indeed! :( I have been an ultimate frequent user of ClassyGMaps, Google Maps in its current form not at all being an alternative for me!

grubemed commented 8 years ago

Hey Barry, how does this "potentially violate" the terms of service? Is providing something useful the big violation? The current "Google Maps" is useless for the two functions I currently need: printing maps for my service people at work, and playing "GeoGuessr" in my spare time. Your project made both of those things easy & quick. Thanks for all your previous work, and please let us know if "ClassyG" will be back either at "gokml" or elsewhere.

barryhunter commented 8 years ago

The terms do say,

 10.4.c.i No creation of a substitute service. You will not use the Service to create a Maps API 
 Implementation that is a substitute for, or substantially similar service to, Google Maps
 (at (or such other URL as Google may provide)) ("Google 
 Maps") or the Service.

Its just taken until now to be caught

grubemed commented 8 years ago

Well, as I commented in my OP, the "new" Google Maps doesn't do either of the things I need, so from my point of view ClassyG was neither a substitute nor substantially similar, but a completely different and unique service utilizing the maps API to provide a service which Google does not care to provide.

gnomontosunlight commented 8 years ago

Hi Barry, thanks for everything done so far, it was extremely useful. Whatever the status of your project might be according to Google, I would never have expected terms like these. Hope your ClassyGmaps will pop up again anywhere.

A-Robustus commented 8 years ago

Hi Barry, That really sucks big time. I found that your high contrast feature was the only thing that could result in a printed, readable map. These were always a godsend on long bike trips because one goes in and out of reception and I hate getting lost! Thank you so much for what you provided while it lasted! If I could get the code for that maybe I would get off my butt and learn how to use the API. Shouldn't be impossible for me as I have done other kinds of programming. -plh

On Friday, January 8, 2016, gnomontosunlight wrote:

Hi Barry, thanks for everything done so far, it was extremely useful. Whatever the status of your project might be according to Google, I would never have expected terms like these. Hope your ClassyGmaps will pop up again anywhere.

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KROGG commented 8 years ago

The code is there to see/use. Just make a local HTML file and away you go. Put it on a USB stick and take it with you everywhere! Long live Classy Gmap.

A-Robustus commented 8 years ago

Thanks! I'll give it a go!

On Saturday, January 9, 2016, KROGG wrote:

The code is there to see/use. Just make a local HTML file and away you go. Put it on a USB stick and take it with you everywhere! Long live Classy Gmap.

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub .

gnomontosunlight commented 8 years ago

Wow, now I FINALLY understand how GitHub works regarding prepared code and how to have it working! Oh, oh, oh, oops, oops, oops, my oh my! I have ClassyGmaps in my browser now. Thanks for these comments A-Robustus and KROGG, I guess this would NEVER have happened otherwise!

A-Robustus commented 8 years ago

gnomontosunlight, What are the steps used to accomplish this? I've coded but only in Pascal C and VB. I'm entirely ignorant of HTML but I guess there are a lot of similarities. Thanks, -plh

On Saturday, January 9, 2016, gnomontosunlight wrote:

Wow, now I FINALLY understand how GitHub works regarding prepared code and how to have it working! Oh, oh, oh, oops, oops, oops, my oh my! I have ClassyGmaps in my browser now. Thanks for these comments A-Robustus and KROGG, I guess this would NEVER have happened otherwise!

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KROGG commented 8 years ago

Copy and paste the code into notepad and save it as a text file. Then, rename the text file index.html - it's now a local index page that will pull all the info that Barry coded into it. Very, very simple. Just make sure you have your OS set to show file extensions (as you need to change .txt to .html)


A-Robustus commented 8 years ago

Thanks I'll try that when I get a chance probably later this afternoon.

On Sunday, January 10, 2016, KROGG wrote:


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gnomontosunlight commented 8 years ago

A-Robustus, Or, alternatively, how I did this: download the ZIP-file and unpack it to an appropriate place, i.e., any place you wish. Then, find the classygmaps-master folder, open it and just run the index.html file found there in your browser. That is all. Now there was a ZIP-file with the index.html file packed into it, but I am not sure whether there will always be a ZIP-file with that file in it. If not, then refer to the comments as stated by KROGG. All of this has nothing to do with the coding itself, or coding it yourself, be it in HTML or any other language, as you may have understood by now: the code is ready to be used. For reason of convenience, I renamed the index.html-file to classyGMaps.html, and found that everything kept working.

KROGG commented 8 years ago

gnomontosunlight commented 8 years ago

Oops, I omitted that. Sorry! :)

KROGG commented 8 years ago

Haha :)

A-Robustus commented 8 years ago

I did that and it works. In fact, they both work, saving the code as .html and using the .ZIP file. -BUT- I don't see the "High Contrast Roads" (I think that is what it was called) option. Can anyone provide me with that? I see where it would go in the code file. For printed bicycling maps, that one was the best. Better than any version of GoggleMaps or any specialized bicycling page I have ever found. (The latter are pretty much useless, for me at least.) Thank You! -plh

On Sun, Jan 10, 2016 at 7:14 PM, KROGG wrote:

Haha :)

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gnomontosunlight commented 8 years ago

A-Robustus, I am not sure I understand what you are aiming at exactly, and can't find that contrast option or feature on the ClassyGMap map either, but if lacking now indeed - I have never looked for that -, then did you ever take a look at the maps comparison, here: , a German website, perhaps just for your information or orientation? At a glance you can see there the comparison of a great many map types. I think it is striking that about every map type does have more contrast than the Google Map type. How this would be as to printed bicycling maps, that I would not know, though.

KROGG commented 8 years ago

There appears to be a couple of map option missing. I recall there was an 'alternative map' option as well, and also one showing train tracks. Hmm.

barryhunter commented 8 years ago

Small reprieve. By some rebranding, and rejigging, have been allowed to reinstate. The 'useful' features of KML display, split-screen streetview, and the different basemaps remain.

A-Robustus commented 8 years ago

I notice the High Contrast Maps are back! Thank you! I note also that directions are gone. However by combining this with what I have, maybe I can get back to where I was. Cool! -plh

On Tue, Jan 12, 2016 at 7:29 AM, barryhunter wrote:

Small reprieve. By some rebranding, and rejigging, have been allowed to reinstate. The 'useful' features of KML display, split-screen streetview, and the different basemaps remain.

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gnomontosunlight commented 8 years ago

Hope it will be more than a reprieve, Barry! Congrats, though. KMLMap is useful enough to my ends, as it seems to me now.

egoldobin commented 8 years ago

Thanks. The "ultimate html file" is saved in a safe place ;-)

cxw42 commented 8 years ago

It bears saying again --- Barry, you're a prince!

Any chance your contact at Google will take the message to the higher-ups that there's pent-up demand for Classic Google Maps? ;)