barryhunter / classygmaps

Rip-off of Classic Google Maps, get a mostly functional version of Classic Maps, implemented with the Maps API
26 stars 14 forks source link

relief #114

Closed jdy1930 closed 7 years ago

jdy1930 commented 7 years ago

[ { "elementType": "labels", "stylers": [ { "visibility": "off" } ] }, { "featureType": "administrative", "elementType": "geometry", "stylers": [ { "visibility": "off" } ] }, { "featureType": "administrative.land_parcel", "stylers": [ { "visibility": "off" } ] }, { "featureType": "administrative.neighborhood", "stylers": [ { "visibility": "off" } ] }, { "featureType": "landscape.man_made", "stylers": [ { "visibility": "off" } ] }, { "featureType": "landscape.natural.landcover", "stylers": [ { "visibility": "off" } ] }, { "featureType": "landscape.natural.terrain", "stylers": [ { "visibility": "off" } ] }, { "featureType": "poi", "stylers": [ { "visibility": "off" } ] }, { "featureType": "road", "stylers": [ { "visibility": "off" } ] }, { "featureType": "road", "elementType": "labels.icon", "stylers": [ { "visibility": "off" } ] }, { "featureType": "transit", "stylers": [ { "visibility": "off" } ] }, { "featureType": "water", "elementType": "geometry.stroke", "stylers": [ { "visibility": "off" } ] }, { "featureType": "water", "elementType": "labels", "stylers": [ { "visibility": "off" } ] } ] COPY JSON

barryhunter commented 7 years ago

This looks very similar to the the No Labels, no Roads version just added,0.039136&z=11&t=t&s=12