barryvdh / laravel-async-queue

Laravel Async Queue Driver
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laravel-async-queue - Dont work in the server #28

Open david-quintanilla opened 9 years ago

david-quintanilla commented 9 years ago

hello sorry I speak english a little bit, my problem is :

the database in the remote server have the queue, but don't execute

I don't understand the error :-(

barryvdh commented 9 years ago

Does it have the same php binary path?

david-quintanilla commented 9 years ago

thanks for response, You have an example?

I dont have configured what you say, why works in the local server?

barryvdh commented 9 years ago

The default path is 'php'. So when you type php -v in the commandline, do you get a correct response on both servers?

david-quintanilla commented 9 years ago

yes, in my local server, but in the remote is shared server

barryvdh commented 9 years ago

So what is the command there? /usr/bin/php ? You can add that to the driver parameters as described in the readme.

david-quintanilla commented 9 years ago

not work: 'async' => array( 'driver' => 'async' 'binary' => '/usr/bin/php', 'binary_args' => '', ),

not show job the data base.

'async' => array( 'driver' => 'async' 'binary' => 'php', 'binary_args' => '', ),

show in the data base, but not start :-(

I have access ssh and type php -v, result PHP 4.4.9 (cgi-fcgi) (built: Jan 14 2014 12:10:11) Copyright (c) 1997-2008 The PHP Group Zend Engine v1.3.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2004 Zend Technologies

GrahamCampbell commented 9 years ago

What? php 4???

GrahamCampbell commented 9 years ago

Does your hosting provider have different php versions in cli and cgi? I've seen that happen before.

david-quintanilla commented 9 years ago

thanks, change version to php 5.5, but my problem is same :(

david-quintanilla commented 9 years ago

Hello, get the binary path, in connection ssh type whereis php, result: /usr/bin/php5

'async' => array( 'driver' => 'async' 'binary' => '/usr/bin/php5', 'binary_args' => '', ),

but, not work. somebody helpme?

in the database the status queue is 0

david-quintanilla commented 9 years ago

I need permissions of super user for execute queue in the server?, my server is shared and not sure this is problem.

barryvdh commented 9 years ago

You could try first by executing the command as the normal ssh user. (php artisan queue:async 684 --env=production --delay=0) if your id (in the database) is 684 for example. You php should also be able to execute shell commands.

david-quintanilla commented 9 years ago

I just spoke with 1and1 tech support and they told me I do not have permission to access the folder / usr / bin, I guess because of this is that my job queues can not run it?

barryvdh commented 9 years ago

Probably, perhaps try a better hosting provider? ;)

david-quintanilla commented 9 years ago

if from the beginning I said, but my client was already working with that service :-(.

thanks for the help.

hadi77makkawi commented 9 years ago

Am having the same issue the laq_async_queue is always empty!

And when i run "php artisan queue:async 684 --env=production --delay=0" I got

No query results for model [Barryvdh\Queue\Models\Job].

queue:async [-D|--delay[="..."]] job_id

warmwhisky commented 8 years ago

When I fire php artisan queue:async 3 --env=production from SSH it works. but as a queue on its own it does not. However when I use the queue using a console commands it works

Would it be that I am using php 5.5.31 with Laravel 5.1.82?

Edit: Just upped PHP to 5.6.17 still 0 attempts when using Mail::queue Works fine on my local server. Ive set the queue config with the following for my remote which i found with "which php" 'binary' => '/usr/local/bin/php', 'binary_args' => '',