Open bienadnet opened 1 year ago
Doubt it is an issue with the dompdf - change the $pdf->getDomPDF()->set_option("enable_php", true);
to $pdf->getDomPDF()->set_option("enable_php", false);
first and try and download the file - if the error goes away, that means that the PHP code in the file is to blame.
Without being able to see the template itself, I would guess you have a N+1 problem, probably a product line in your invoice is calling a relationship, which is not lazy loaded, so it has to call the database to get the data, and this happens for each of the lines.
I have error Gateway Timeout when download. when i save file, it size is 2.59M $pdf = \App::make('dompdf.wrapper'); $pdf->getDomPDF()->set_option("enable_php", true); $pdf->loadView('shop.invoice.print', $this->data); return $pdf->download($fileName);