barryvdh / laravel-elfinder

elFinder bundle for Laravel
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S3 disk - Thumbnail #188

Open rzdev opened 7 years ago

rzdev commented 7 years ago

thumbnails are not being generated when using amazon S3, i have set the tmbURL and tmbURL but no success.

Are there any workaround?

joaquin03 commented 6 years ago

After fighting with this a couple of hours I managed to fix it, This is what I did:


Route::get('glide/{path}', 'GlideController@index')->where('path', '.+');

Controller: (i required league/glide-laravel )

public function index($path)
        $server = ServerFactory::create([
            'source' => app('filesystem')->disk('s3')->getDriver(),
            'cache' => storage_path('glide'),
            'cache_path_prefix' => '.cache',
        $server->setResponseFactory(new LaravelResponseFactory());

        return $server->getImageResponse($path, Input::query());


'disks' => [
        's3' => [
            'alias'     => 'S3 Storage',
            'glideURL'  => '/glide',
'root_options' => array(
        'tmbURL' => env('APP_URL'),
        'tmbPath' => storage_path('/glide/.cache'),

php artisan storage:link

bayucandra commented 5 years ago

This trick works for me without Glide: 'tmbURL' => 'self'. I am doing in PHP ( Not laravel ).

Config detail example:

working demo: