barryvdh / laravel-ide-helper

IDE Helper for Laravel
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Redis autocomplete not work? #519

Closed mugennsou closed 4 years ago

mugennsou commented 7 years ago

It's a new Laravel application and I'm required predis/predis.

But the generated _ide_helper.php only has two Redis method.

like this


 class Redis {

         * Get a Redis connection by name.
         * @param string|null $name
         * @return \Illuminate\Redis\Connections\Connection 
         * @static 
        public static function connection($name = null)
            return \Illuminate\Redis\RedisManager::connection($name);

         * Resolve the given connection by name.
         * @param string|null $name
         * @return \Illuminate\Redis\Connections\Connection 
         * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
         * @static 
        public static function resolve($name = null)
            return \Illuminate\Redis\RedisManager::resolve($name);



Should I do other things to make it work? Thx

mortenscheel commented 7 years ago

I struggled with the same, and I've come up with this little hack that seems to do the trick.

Add a DocBlock to the abstract class Illuminate\Redis\Connections\Connection:

 * @mixin \Predis\Client
abstract class Connection

Rebuild the ide_helper file with$ php artisan ide-helper:generate

Now if you resolve a client instance with Redis::resolve() PhpStorm will be able to autocomplete the methods.


tucq88 commented 7 years ago

@mortenscheel that seems too tricky, so I gonna need to edit vendor files to make ide-helper works :(

AidasK commented 7 years ago

Any solution for this?

lokielse commented 6 years ago

I DON'T THINK laravel-ide-helper, this version, can autocomplete Redis commands like Redis::set().

As a result, all commands such as get,get are php-docs in Predis\ClientInterface

There are some approaches:

tucq88 commented 6 years ago

Last option seems best as we don't have to change code in project. But it also much more works :( Could you write down some simple that the file 'd look like so I could follow ?

CloudyCity commented 6 years ago

I just write a _ide_helper_redis.php like @lokielse said, and change all function to static. It works :)


namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades;

class Redis
      public static function psetex( ) {}
tucq88 commented 6 years ago

Could you share it with us @CloudyCity ?

CloudyCity commented 6 years ago

Sure. I modified it with reference to @lokielse 's _ide_helper_redis.php. @tucq88


namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades;

 * @method static int    del( array $keys )
 * @method static string dump( $key )
 * @method static int    exists( $key )
 * @method static int    expire( $key, $seconds )
 * @method static int    expireat( $key, $timestamp )
 * @method static array  keys( $pattern )
 * @method static int    move( $key, $db )
 * @method static mixed  object( $subcommand, $key )
 * @method static int    persist( $key )
 * @method static int    pexpire( $key, $milliseconds )
 * @method static int    pexpireat( $key, $timestamp )
 * @method static int    pttl( $key )
 * @method static string randomkey()
 * @method static mixed  rename( $key, $target )
 * @method static int    renamenx( $key, $target )
 * @method static array  scan( $cursor, array $options = null )
 * @method static array  sort( $key, array $options = null )
 * @method static int    ttl( $key )
 * @method static mixed  type( $key )
 * @method static int    append( $key, $value )
 * @method static int    bitcount( $key, $start = null, $end = null )
 * @method static int    bitop( $operation, $destkey, $key )
 * @method static array  bitfield( $key, $subcommand, ...$subcommandArg )
 * @method static int    decr( $key )
 * @method static int    decrby( $key, $decrement )
 * @method static string get( $key )
 * @method static int    getbit( $key, $offset )
 * @method static string getrange( $key, $start, $end )
 * @method static string getset( $key, $value )
 * @method static int    incr( $key )
 * @method static int    incrby( $key, $increment )
 * @method static string incrbyfloat( $key, $increment )
 * @method static array  mget( array $keys )
 * @method static mixed  mset( array $dictionary )
 * @method static int    msetnx( array $dictionary )
 * @method static mixed  psetex( $key, $milliseconds, $value )
 * @method static mixed  set( $key, $value, $expireResolution = null, $expireTTL = null, $flag = null )
 * @method static int    setbit( $key, $offset, $value )
 * @method static int    setex( $key, $seconds, $value )
 * @method static int    setnx( $key, $value )
 * @method static int    setrange( $key, $offset, $value )
 * @method static int    strlen( $key )
 * @method static int    hdel( $key, array $fields )
 * @method static int    hexists( $key, $field )
 * @method static string hget( $key, $field )
 * @method static array  hgetall( $key )
 * @method static int    hincrby( $key, $field, $increment )
 * @method static string hincrbyfloat( $key, $field, $increment )
 * @method static array  hkeys( $key )
 * @method static int    hlen( $key )
 * @method static array  hmget( $key, array $fields )
 * @method static mixed  hmset( $key, array $dictionary )
 * @method static array  hscan( $key, $cursor, array $options = null )
 * @method static int    hset( $key, $field, $value )
 * @method static int    hsetnx( $key, $field, $value )
 * @method static array  hvals( $key )
 * @method static int    hstrlen( $key, $field )
 * @method static array  blpop( array $keys, $timeout )
 * @method static array  brpop( array $keys, $timeout )
 * @method static array  brpoplpush( $source, $destination, $timeout )
 * @method static string lindex( $key, $index )
 * @method static int    linsert( $key, $whence, $pivot, $value )
 * @method static int    llen( $key )
 * @method static string lpop( $key )
 * @method static int    lpush( $key, array $values )
 * @method static int    lpushx( $key, $value )
 * @method static array  lrange( $key, $start, $stop )
 * @method static int    lrem( $key, $count, $value )
 * @method static mixed  lset( $key, $index, $value )
 * @method static mixed  ltrim( $key, $start, $stop )
 * @method static string rpop( $key )
 * @method static string rpoplpush( $source, $destination )
 * @method static int    rpush( $key, array $values )
 * @method static int    rpushx( $key, $value )
 * @method static int    sadd( $key, array $members )
 * @method static int    scard( $key )
 * @method static array  sdiff( array $keys )
 * @method static int    sdiffstore( $destination, array $keys )
 * @method static array  sinter( array $keys )
 * @method static int    sinterstore( $destination, array $keys )
 * @method static int    sismember( $key, $member )
 * @method static array  smembers( $key )
 * @method static int    smove( $source, $destination, $member )
 * @method static string spop( $key, $count = null )
 * @method static string srandmember( $key, $count = null )
 * @method static int    srem( $key, $member )
 * @method static array  sscan( $key, $cursor, array $options = null )
 * @method static array  sunion( array $keys )
 * @method static int    sunionstore( $destination, array $keys )
 * @method static int    zadd( $key, array $membersAndScoresDictionary )
 * @method static int    zcard( $key )
 * @method static string zcount( $key, $min, $max )
 * @method static string zincrby( $key, $increment, $member )
 * @method static int    zinterstore( $destination, array $keys, array $options = null )
 * @method static array  zrange( $key, $start, $stop, array $options = null )
 * @method static array  zrangebyscore( $key, $min, $max, array $options = null )
 * @method static int    zrank( $key, $member )
 * @method static int    zrem( $key, $member )
 * @method static int    zremrangebyrank( $key, $start, $stop )
 * @method static int    zremrangebyscore( $key, $min, $max )
 * @method static array  zrevrange( $key, $start, $stop, array $options = null )
 * @method static array  zrevrangebyscore( $key, $max, $min, array $options = null )
 * @method static int    zrevrank( $key, $member )
 * @method static int    zunionstore( $destination, array $keys, array $options = null )
 * @method static string zscore( $key, $member )
 * @method static array  zscan( $key, $cursor, array $options = null )
 * @method static array  zrangebylex( $key, $start, $stop, array $options = null )
 * @method static array  zrevrangebylex( $key, $start, $stop, array $options = null )
 * @method static int    zremrangebylex( $key, $min, $max )
 * @method static int    zlexcount( $key, $min, $max )
 * @method static int    pfadd( $key, array $elements )
 * @method static mixed  pfmerge( $destinationKey, array $sourceKeys )
 * @method static int    pfcount( array $keys )
 * @method static mixed  pubsub( $subcommand, $argument )
 * @method static int    publish( $channel, $message )
 * @method static mixed  discard()
 * @method static array  exec()
 * @method static mixed  multi()
 * @method static mixed  unwatch()
 * @method static mixed  watch( $key )
 * @method static mixed  eval( $script, $numkeys, $keyOrArg1 = null, $keyOrArgN = null )
 * @method static mixed  evalsha( $script, $numkeys, $keyOrArg1 = null, $keyOrArgN = null )
 * @method static mixed  script( $subcommand, $argument = null )
 * @method static mixed  auth( $password )
 * @method static string echo ( $message )
 * @method static mixed  ping( $message = null )
 * @method static mixed  select( $database )
 * @method static mixed  bgrewriteaof()
 * @method static mixed  bgsave()
 * @method static mixed  client( $subcommand, $argument = null )
 * @method static mixed  config( $subcommand, $argument = null )
 * @method static int    dbsize()
 * @method static mixed  flushall()
 * @method static mixed  flushdb()
 * @method static array  info( $section = null )
 * @method static int    lastsave()
 * @method static mixed  save()
 * @method static mixed  slaveof( $host, $port )
 * @method static mixed  slowlog( $subcommand, $argument = null )
 * @method static array  time()
 * @method static array  command()
 * @method static int    geoadd( $key, $longitude, $latitude, $member )
 * @method static array  geohash( $key, array $members )
 * @method static array  geopos( $key, array $members )
 * @method static string geodist( $key, $member1, $member2, $unit = null )
 * @method static array  georadius( $key, $longitude, $latitude, $radius, $unit, array $options = null )
 * @method static array  georadiusbymember( $key, $member, $radius, $unit, array $options = null )
class Redis

judahnator commented 5 years ago

Any updates on this? Autocomplete is not working on my end.

4n70w4 commented 4 years ago

The same problem! Redis::throttle() don't suggested!

stale[bot] commented 4 years ago

This issue has been automatically marked as stale because it has not had recent activity. It will be closed if no further activity occurs. If this issue is still present on the latest version of this library on supported Laravel versions, please let us know by replying to this issue so we can investigate further. Thank you for your contribution! Apologies for any delayed response on our side.

faridmovsumov commented 2 years ago

I found this as the best solution

Cache::store('redis')->set($cacheKey, $data, 3600);

ellermister commented 2 years ago


I tried your way and it doesn't work.

This is the best I think so far.

 * Get redis cache instance
 * @return \Illuminate\Contracts\Cache\Repository
function cache_redis(): \Illuminate\Contracts\Cache\Repository
    return Cache::store('redis');

 * Get redis instance
 * @return mixed|Redis
function redis()
    return \Illuminate\Support\Facades\Redis::connection()->client();