barseghyanartur / django-fobi

Form generator/builder application for Django done right: customisable, modular, user- and developer- friendly.
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Provide Dynamic Initial Value for Model Object fields #229

Closed dwasyl closed 2 years ago

dwasyl commented 5 years ago

The docs mention that you can provide initial dynamic values only for text fields. Is it possible to provide the same for model object fields?

My use-case is that I have a multiple objects for which I have to collect associated data. I have multiple forms and the option to fill out one of each form associated with the object.

I.e. Form1 Form2 Form3

Object1 has Form1 and Form3 Object2 has Form1 Object3 has Form2 and Form3

To simplest option seems to be embedding the forms into views that I provide the object through the URL, but with each form I need to background include the associated object.

Is there an easy way to accomplish this?

barseghyanartur commented 5 years ago


I think I've done that once by embedding into the view.

The pseudo code would look as follows:

from fobi.views import view_form_entry

def my_view_form_entry(request, form_entry_slug, theme=None, template_name=None):
     altered_request = request.copy()  # pseudo code, somehow copy request object
                                       # make it mutable
     # If some condition, do alter request data (set your initial values here).
     # then return original fobi view
     return view_form_entry(altered_request, form_entry_slug, theme=theme, template_name=template_name)
dwasyl commented 4 years ago

@barseghyanartur Thanks, that makes sense, where I'm having trouble though, is what exactly to add to the request data. I've gone through a lot of the fobi code and can't see an obvious way of adding a post variable to cause the right 'pre-loading'.

Further, I need the system to always open that same version of the form (i.e. the form associated with that FK), but I can't quite see how it would work for that at this point.

Any extra pointers oh how to embed an initial value before the form is even created?

matacino commented 4 years ago

Hi dwasyl, I used the modelobject as a starting point for a prefilled field to fill in ldap-data for e-mail and names in read-only-fields from the authentication. these Formfield types are very modular (thnx @barseghyanartur ;) ) so you could just copy such a module and modify it to your needs.
