barszczmm / django-easy-friends

friendship, contact and invitation management for the Django web framework
28 stars 16 forks source link

what's the state of this package? #5

Open patroqueeet opened 8 years ago

patroqueeet commented 8 years ago

no commit for a year? is it dead? what about the new fb2.0 api? is it working?

barszczmm commented 8 years ago

Hi. Yes I think it's safe to say that this package is dead. I'm not using it in any project and have no time to update and maintain it as I have many other (commercial and not) projects to work on. Sorry for that. Maybe someone could take this project over and maintain it.

patroqueeet commented 8 years ago

Hey, thanks for the fast answer. I'm glad to know :). maybe you open quickly a "new maintainer wanted" issue :)
