bartavelle / language-puppet

A library to work with Puppet manifests, test them and eventually replace everything ruby.
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Function lookup doesn't behave like ruby puppet implementation #140

Closed jfroche closed 8 years ago

jfroche commented 8 years ago

we have a function plone::varnish::backend that calls ::varnish::backend.

define plone::varnish::backend (
  $port='8080') {

  $varnish_probe = {
    url       => '/',
    interval  => '5s',
    timeout   => '10s',
    window    => '5',
    threshold => '3'

  ::varnish::backend {$backend_name:
    host  => $host,
    port  => $port,
    probe => $varnish_probe

As you see, we are explicit that we want to start from the top to prevent accidental scoping issues. language-puppet doesn't seem to like function this kind of notation. Error is that the varnish::backend is not defined:

Unknown resource Varnish::Backend[client1] used in the following relationships: Varnish::Backend[client1] -> Concat::Fragment[client1]

If I drop the leading "::", it will work for language-puppet but fails for puppet (tested on 3.5.1):

Error: Invalid parameter probe at /root/puppet-stack-plone/modules/plone/manifests/varnish/backend.pp:22 on node ...

Any advice ?

jfroche commented 8 years ago

Also tested using puppet 3.8.3, same problem:

Error: Invalid parameter probe on Plone::Varnish::Backend[client2] at /root/puppet-stack-plone/modules/plone/manifests/varnish/backend.pp:22 on node ...
bartavelle commented 8 years ago

I am not sure I understand what the bug is. What's surprising is that you get a relationship error, which means it should have figured how to resolve ::varnish::backend ! Can you produce a minimal test case so that I can investigate ?

jfroche commented 8 years ago

Did a simple structure here:

cd issue-140 && puppet apply --modulepath=modules site.pp

It works for puppet because I am explicit using "::b::foo"

bartavelle commented 8 years ago

I don't get any error here ... which version are you using ? I suspect this is something that is already fixed, but perhaps not released !

bartavelle commented 8 years ago

(It looks like a pair of bugs that got recently squashed)

jfroche commented 8 years ago

Using docker image: pierrer/puppetresources:v1.1.4-g

PierreR commented 8 years ago

So pierrer/puppetresources:v1.1.4-g is actually master

bartavelle commented 8 years ago

Will this be updated to the latest commit automagically, or will the actual version be dependent on when the docker container was built ?

PierreR commented 8 years ago

Not I built the docker image manually. I know -g was built against master (or quite near of it).

I will try the sample against master and confirm.

bartavelle commented 8 years ago

But can you reproduce the error with the given tar file ?

PierreR commented 8 years ago

That's what I am going to try right now ;-)

PierreR commented 8 years ago

So I can reproduce the error with the tar file but I had to add a resource in the "body" of the last define. Something like


I know that this is failing because we globally call a defined resources (using the defined keyword). I believe this has been failing all along.

PierreR commented 8 years ago

At the very least I know it has been failing for a while because I have submitted a couple of PR to some puppetlabs modules requesting the removal of global (::) namespace for defined resources.

bartavelle commented 8 years ago

Ah I can reproduce the problem too, I will try to look into it, but this looks annoying to fix !

PierreR commented 8 years ago

Pour info: About using :: with defined resources:

This is ugly and should be unnecessary, but is occasionally required due to an outstanding design issue.


I believe (but I am not sure 100%) that a :: in front of a defined resources will fail in Puppet 4. That's why I have tried to PR and asked for the removal of such namespace for foreman, nginx (PR accepted) and apache (PR refused) puppetlabs modules. The arguments for the refusal of the PR by apache were not convincing (

bartavelle commented 8 years ago

Yeah but the simple fix that would be ignoring the leading :: will produce erroneous clashes ...

PierreR commented 8 years ago

Sure. I guess it is too early to go and just support Puppet 4 autoloader behavior. If I understand it correctly, relative namespacing is not allowed anymore:

Does that mean that most puppetlabs modules won't work in Puppet 4 ?

PierreR commented 8 years ago

Would it make sense to just ignore clashes with relative defined resources. Just emit a warning about the clash but choose the absolute (basically ignore ::) at least for defined resources.

bartavelle commented 8 years ago

I do normalize all resource names now, so the leading :: are ignored. On the other hand, the topmost define is selected instead of the local one. So this should do the right thing in this instance. Can anyone find a regression with this ?

PierreR commented 8 years ago

It works fine on my side with my nodes.

What's the f in fridentifier ? Why not normalizeRIdent of normRIdentifier or something alike ?

bartavelle commented 8 years ago

Yeah that would be a much better name !

PierreR commented 8 years ago

I can change that which one do you prefer ?

bartavelle commented 8 years ago

yes that would be nice, thanks !

bartavelle commented 8 years ago

(any would do)