Closed PierreR closed 7 years ago
I think it should error early. I don't have much time these days but will try to see how hard it is to fix this problem.
So there is indeed code that should find circular dependencies, but it didn't find yours. That means there is as sort of dependency that is not accurately tracked by language-puppet. Do you have this example available?
I believe something like this should fail:
user { 'jenkins':
managehome => false,
gid => '501',
group { 'jenkins':
ensure => present,
gid => '501';
file {
ensure => directory,
owner => 'jenkins',
group => 'jenkins';
ensure => 'link',
target => "${data_dir}/jenkins",
require => File["${data_dir}/jenkins"],
before => User['jenkins'];
I know it does pass puppetresources
but I haven't double-checked the fact that it would fail on a puppet master (though it seem logical to believe it should fail as the first file resource has an implicit deps on user
through the 'owner' property).
I am writing a fix for this, but it has been a while since I used puppet. Does language-puppet complain if you specify an owner that doesn't have a corresponding user resource declaration?
I am pretty sure it does. Do you want me to check that out ?
Nope it's what I thought too
FWIW there is this file to customize knowing users and groups (and an --extra-tests flag to disable such checks altogether):
Can you check the last commit didn't break everything ?
I have tested it with a couple of nodes and it looks alright. If you release the fix in hackage, it will be easier for me to test it across all my nodes. Thanks
I have experienced circular deps runtime error when running puppet agent on a node.
Is it something that
is supposed to catch up early ?If so, I can provide use case when it happen.