Open AudiA4-Razer opened 1 year ago
This node is not ready yet to publish it on npm. Perhaps you can install my node-red-contrib-xterm node, and then install this node via that terminal.
Thanks for the answer. How do I have to proceed if I have installed the xterm. I entered the code >_npm install node-red-contrib-onvif-nodes@0.0.1-beta.16 via Terminal Input but an error message came up: Write Failed: Cannot execute commands when the pseudoterminal is not started yet
Hello, I want to install the Onvif plugin in Node Red. However, I'm running Node Red on a Victron Cerbo GX and I don't have a command line where I can type "npm install node-red-contrib-onvif-nodes@0.0.1-beta.16". I can only upload it via a file in the plugin manager. The .tar.gz doesn't work, and converting to .tgz doesn't work either. help