bartekpacia / garden
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Compose Multiplatform / KMM build system #37

Open bartekpacia opened 5 months ago

bartekpacia commented 5 months ago

The task :composeApp:embedAndSignAppleFrameworksForXcode cannot be called directly with Gradle.

Its source is a bit hard to find. This is beacuse its name is concatenated:

and here's the function that actually registers it:

So, that Gradle task expects to find some env vars that Xcode implicitly provides to it.

I managed to run it like this:

PLATFORM_NAME=iphoneos ARCHS=arm64 ./gradlew :composeApp:embedAndSignAppleFrameworkForXcode

but it still fails with outputDir property is required and not set and it doesn't seem to be a way to set that outside of Gradle.

This looks interesting though:

xcodebuild archive \
  -scheme iosApp \
  -project iosApp.xcodeproj \
  -destination 'generic/platform=iOS' \
  -archivePath build/iosAppBuild | xcbeautify