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Big red banner for new, inactive users: reminder to set trading status to available #204

Open Tecfan opened 3 years ago

Tecfan commented 3 years ago

What problem does this feature address?

New users with at least 1 tradable, who are currently set as "Unavailable", need even bigger warnings to make sure they remember to go "Available". Barter can probably pull up some stats, but it seems like a relatively high amount of new users never goes available, even with tradables added.

Describe a solution

Solution: a BIG, red-colored banner on the top of every page to remember users to go Available, or they won't receive any offers.

Examples of similar features

NecroTed commented 3 years ago

Yes please, really annoying to see this happen.

Luckz commented 3 years ago

The big red banner could appear for expired-offer-inactive users and never-active users. It shouldn't appear for inactive-by-choice users. Ideally it has a single-click mark-active option (so you don't have to go "the cumbersome route" of marking yourself available), and perhaps an undo button afterwards? Or we might want users to go that route so they see all the plentiful options they should set.

Anecdote about the last part: There's a lot of users for example set to desire +rep on profile even though this is not factually what they want.

bartervg commented 3 years ago

inactive-by-choice users.

Unavailable-by-choice users?

Ideally it has a single-click mark-active option...Or we might want users to go that route so they see all the plentiful options they should set.

First time is cumbersome, subsequent times are single-clicks?