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Hide unselectable items by default in offer screen #249

Open Tecfan opened 3 years ago

Tecfan commented 3 years ago

What problem does this feature address?

When in the offer screen, sometimes mine or the other person's trade list consists of 50% or even 90% unselectable games. To reduce clutter and improve performance, it would be a good idea to hide these games by default. In some browsers, it takes well above 40 seconds to even load my tradables.

Sometimes they are unselectable because the quantity is x0, other times tradables are unselectable due to trade offer settings like only allowing games above 90% ratings. It is very hard to find games to even select.

Example, x0 quantity: image

Example, filtered due to % review setting: image

It should still be possible to add them to the offer, but they have to be unhidden actively.

bartervg commented 3 years ago

This is really slow. I apologize for letting it get this bad for so long.

Hiding the disabled options does reduce the load time somewhat, but that will depend on each user. I did a quick fix, but it has some undesirable side effects, such of showing included games without the package visible.

Revadike commented 3 years ago

I'd like an option to disable this please. I prefer seeing all of the options, even unselectable ones.

Tecfan commented 3 years ago

I have also experienced issues with this. Although I can finally send offers again, I am unable to select blacklisted/library/x0 items using Enhanced Barter. I would like a toggle of some sort inside the offer screen to enable sending offers with unselectable items.