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Counter Stats #251

Closed Revadike closed 3 years ago

Revadike commented 3 years ago

What problem does this feature address?

Right now, one can only guess whether a trader likes to counter received trade offers, or doesn't bother with them.

Describe a solution

Display statistics on how many received offers are declined vs countered. Maybe also display of those countered offers, how much percentage leads into a trade. This gives more insight how fast traders will give up on crafting a suitable offer between traders.

Examples of similar features

Like these other stats image

bartervg commented 3 years ago

Good point. I thought countered may have been excluded or in a separate category, but no, countered is the same as any other declined.

I created more stats for each declined reason. The table structure is less than elegant, but let's see if displaying the reason counts in aggregate will be helpful.

bartervg commented 3 years ago

The decline stats are on the profile, although there was a naming typo that resulted in the Already Own to not count anything. It's recounting, which takes around 30-45 minutes. Display as number of offers or percent of total declines? Increase space between the two tables? Display the site average for context?

Revadike commented 3 years ago

It may be too detailed. At least, for a profile page. How about this: Make a separate page with detailed info of user statistics, with both absolute and relative (%) numbers. And then just display the really insightful and quick stats about this trader only, like how much percent the trader declines, counters and accepts, with a link to the full statistics page. You could give those percentages a title attribute with their absolute numbers. But I really think percentages are easier to understand than just numbers.

bartervg commented 3 years ago

New page? Yes, one day, but not today. Instead, I moved Overview to the top and switched the decline count to %.

That should address the original issue. Future TODO: Site average row in order to have a basis for comparison. Other column so the %s add up to 100% (usually, although not always due to rounding).

Revadike commented 3 years ago

There are still a few things confusing to me:

  1. I think fulfillment rate needs to go. 99% of the people that see this will have no clue what it means. They'll have to look up what exactly it means. Instead, this should just be given clear info and make judgement based on that.
  2. Does items traded consider quantities? If not, it would make sense it will.
  3. In statistics you use > and <, but this is not very clear. I think you should just put sender and receiver as row headers.
  4. In statistics you use the title tooltip for some to show the absolute counts. You should do this for every percentage stats.
  5. Instead of -, just put No Reason there.
  6. You should right align "Declines" too, like the rest.
  7. Ensure that the columns are aligned, to make it more visually pleasing.