bartongroup / RATS

Relative Abundance of Transcripts: An R package for the detection of Differential Transcript isoform Usage.
MIT License
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plot_gene() error #49

Closed bmumbler closed 6 years ago

bmumbler commented 6 years ago

Hello, I'm looking at DTU using kallisto output and am having trouble getting plots.

> dtu_summary(avc_dtu)
                          category tally
1            DTU genes (gene test)  1513
2        non-DTU genes (gene test)  9951
3     ineligible genes (gene test)  3198
4         DTU genes (transc. test)   508
5     non-DTU genes (transc. test) 11574
6  ineligible genes (transc. test)  2580
7           DTU genes (both tests)   460
8       non-DTU genes (both tests)  9909
9    ineligible genes (both tests)  3198
10                 DTU transcripts   584
11             non-DTU transcripts 83616
12          ineligible transcripts 64778

> dtu_switch_summary(avc_dtu)
                           category genes
1        Primary switch (gene test)  1357
2    Non-primary switch (gene test)  1476
3     Primary switch (transc. test)   468
4 Non-primary switch (transc. test)   469
5       Primary switch (both tests)   425
6   Non-primary switch (both tests)   430

When I try to plot genes that appear in the primary switch list,

> plot_gene(avc_dtu, "Tnc")
Error in seq.default(inv_range[1], inv_range[2], length.out = self$detail) : 
  'from' must be a finite number
In addition: Warning message:
Removed 52 rows containing non-finite values (stat_boxplot). 

What is causing this?

Thank you!

fruce-ki commented 6 years ago


Seems to be a missing value, like a NA or Inf where a number is expected. I could speculate, but it would be more helpful if you could show me the actual results rows for your example gene:

avc_dtu$Genes['Tnc', ] and avc_dtu$Transcripts['Tnc', ]

Also, are you using the latest release (0.6.2)?

Thanks! Kimon

bmumbler commented 6 years ago

Yes, using 0.6.2.

> avc_dtu$Genes['Tnc', ]
   parent_id elig  sig elig_fx quant_reprod rep_reprod  DTU transc_DTU known_transc detect_transc elig_transc  maxDprop        pval
1:       Tnc TRUE TRUE    TRUE         TRUE       TRUE TRUE       TRUE           12            10           5 0.3039531 1.54854e-26
      pval_corr quant_p_mean quant_p_stdev  quant_p_min quant_p_max quant_na_freq quant_dtu_freq   rep_p_mean  rep_p_stdev
1: 7.161138e-26 4.114993e-21  2.253217e-20 1.012475e-46 1.23415e-19             0              1 2.901242e-29 5.802483e-29
      rep_p_min    rep_p_max rep_na_freq rep_dtu_freq
1: 7.770457e-51 1.160497e-28           0            1

> avc_dtu$Transcripts['Tnc', ]
             target_id parent_id elig_xp  elig   sig elig_fx quant_reprod rep_reprod   DTU gene_DTU      meanA       meanB
 1: gene.4510.0.1-x0-0       Tnc    TRUE  TRUE FALSE   FALSE         TRUE       TRUE FALSE     TRUE  4.1283635  7.66126686
 2: gene.4515.0.0-x7-0       Tnc   FALSE FALSE FALSE   FALSE        FALSE      FALSE FALSE     TRUE  0.0000000  0.00000000
 3: gene.4515.0.1-x7-0       Tnc   FALSE FALSE FALSE   FALSE        FALSE      FALSE FALSE     TRUE  4.3204617  1.32414564
 4: gene.4515.0.3-x7-0       Tnc    TRUE  TRUE  TRUE   FALSE        FALSE       TRUE FALSE     TRUE 16.7635820 24.42903596
 5: gene.4824.0.0-x4-0       Tnc    TRUE  TRUE  TRUE    TRUE        FALSE      FALSE FALSE     TRUE 26.9109557  3.30507282
 6: gene.4824.0.1-x4-0       Tnc   FALSE FALSE FALSE   FALSE        FALSE      FALSE FALSE     TRUE         NA          NA
 7: gene.4824.0.2-x4-0       Tnc    TRUE  TRUE  TRUE    TRUE        FALSE      FALSE FALSE     TRUE 41.0505430 18.97642905
 8: gene.5779.0.0-x3-0       Tnc   FALSE FALSE FALSE   FALSE        FALSE      FALSE FALSE     TRUE  0.0000000  0.03805255
 9: gene.5779.0.3-x3-0       Tnc    TRUE  TRUE  TRUE    TRUE         TRUE       TRUE  TRUE     TRUE  0.1413028 28.44707323
10: gene.6277.0.1-x1-0       Tnc   FALSE FALSE FALSE   FALSE        FALSE      FALSE FALSE     TRUE  3.4234235  1.78699362
11: gene.6277.0.5-x1-0       Tnc   FALSE FALSE FALSE   FALSE        FALSE      FALSE FALSE     TRUE  0.4867365  3.69281580
12: gene.6277.0.6-x1-0       Tnc   FALSE FALSE FALSE   FALSE        FALSE      FALSE FALSE     TRUE  1.9905779  3.49296789
        stdevA     stdevB       sumA        sumB     log2FC   totalA   totalB       propA        propB         Dprop         pval
 1:  5.8383876 2.87065801  8.2567269 15.32253372  0.8920130 198.4319 186.3077 0.041609878 0.0822431556  0.0406332774 9.495871e-02
 2:  0.0000000 0.00000000  0.0000000  0.00000000        NaN 198.4319 186.3077 0.000000000 0.0000000000  0.0000000000           NA
 3:  5.3925600 1.87262472  8.6409234  2.64829127 -1.7061237 198.4319 186.3077 0.043546041 0.0142146094 -0.0293314317           NA
 4:  6.9114891 0.72598810 33.5271641 48.85807193  0.5432665 198.4319 186.3077 0.168960561 0.2622439659  0.0932834044 2.558355e-02
 5:  1.7691451 4.34137610 53.8219114  6.61014565 -3.0254397 198.4319 186.3077 0.271236194 0.0354797220 -0.2357564716 1.547250e-11
 6:         NA         NA  0.0000000  0.00000000        NaN 198.4319 186.3077 0.000000000 0.0000000000  0.0000000000           NA
 7: 58.0542342 9.66682571 82.1010859 37.95285810 -1.1131928 198.4319 186.3077 0.413749447 0.2037106180 -0.2100388286 7.257556e-06
 8:  0.0000000 0.05381444  0.0000000  0.07610511        Inf 198.4319 186.3077 0.000000000 0.0004084915  0.0004084915           NA
 9:  0.1399868 4.09014376  0.2826056 56.89414646  7.6533463 198.4319 186.3077 0.001424194 0.3053773106  0.3039531161 2.571871e-21
10:  4.5721341 2.52719059  6.8468470  3.57398723 -0.9379053 198.4319 186.3077 0.034504771 0.0191832495 -0.0153215214           NA
11:  0.6883438 2.79840571  0.9734730  7.38563161  2.9235084 198.4319 186.3077 0.004905829 0.0396421154  0.0347362860           NA
12:  2.8151023 4.24082789  3.9811558  6.98593578  0.8112660 198.4319 186.3077 0.020063084 0.0374967622  0.0174336779           NA
       pval_corr quant_p_mean quant_p_stdev  quant_p_min  quant_p_max quant_na_freq quant_dtu_freq   rep_p_mean  rep_p_stdev
 1: 1.390961e-01 1.960229e-01  2.953422e-01 4.890572e-09 8.908426e-01    0.03333333      0.0000000 2.341085e-01 4.093500e-01
 2:           NA           NA            NA           NA           NA            NA             NA           NA           NA
 3:           NA           NA            NA           NA           NA            NA             NA           NA           NA
 4: 4.374234e-02 2.250759e-01  3.038488e-01 8.652778e-09 8.536735e-01    0.00000000      0.1000000 1.236044e-01 1.986702e-01
 5: 2.041982e-10 6.565879e-07  2.067562e-06 3.820437e-22 9.104753e-06    0.00000000      0.8333333 2.373610e-05 4.747219e-05
 6:           NA           NA            NA           NA           NA            NA             NA           NA           NA
 7: 2.844246e-05 3.501006e-02  1.095140e-01 1.813633e-16 4.546177e-01    0.00000000      0.5000000 6.626238e-08 1.325245e-07
 8:           NA           NA            NA           NA           NA            NA             NA           NA           NA
 9: 1.423744e-19 1.294536e-13  6.952823e-13 2.221477e-30 3.810496e-12    0.00000000      1.0000000 9.858301e-14 1.971639e-13
10:           NA           NA            NA           NA           NA            NA             NA           NA           NA
11:           NA           NA            NA           NA           NA            NA             NA           NA           NA
12:           NA           NA            NA           NA           NA            NA             NA           NA           NA
       rep_p_min    rep_p_max rep_na_freq rep_dtu_freq
 1: 4.989867e-06 8.448317e-01           0         0.00
 2:           NA           NA          NA           NA
 3:           NA           NA          NA           NA
 4: 3.073885e-07 4.164730e-01           0         0.00
 5: 3.847876e-24 9.494438e-05           0         0.50
 6:           NA           NA          NA           NA
 7: 6.986727e-23 2.650492e-07           0         0.75
 8:           NA           NA          NA           NA
 9: 7.767124e-28 3.943288e-13           0         1.00
10:           NA           NA          NA           NA
11:           NA           NA          NA           NA
12:           NA           NA          NA           NA
fruce-ki commented 6 years ago

I was able to recreate this problem with simulated data. The culprit is the isoforms with 0 expression in both conditions, although I'm not sure why yet.

Thank you for finding and reporting this bug! I'll get right on it.

fruce-ki commented 6 years ago

I'm looking at rows 2 and 6 of your example. Both isoforms are not expressed, but there are differences in how their information is recored:

Row 2 is what I'd expect, with 0s filled in for the mean. There is no reason why this should not plot. Row 6, however, has NA for the means. This would be a problem indeed for plotting. The most likely cause of this, is that the isoform ID in row 6 did not exist in the annotation used to quantify the data. Or if it did exist, kallisto did not report it in the end (but then why did it report the one in row 2?).

Can you verify that you used the identical annotation for both kallisto and rats?

I could (and probably will) patch RATs to explicitly assign 0 over the NAs, and to generate warnings when this happens, but I'll also need to catch the case of IDs that are present in the quantifications and missing from the annotation given to RATs (currently silently ignored). Even then, there may still be more, hidden, discrepancies, so mixing up annotations is really something one should never do.

fruce-ki commented 6 years ago


Did you verify what annotations were used in your analysis? Were they different?

If you want to try my proposed fix, you can get the development version 0.6.2-2: devtools::install_github("bartongroup/rats", ref="development") If it works well for you, I can push it out as a release.

The fix does two things:

For the record, this override is provided for special use cases only. I do not recommend ignoring annotation issues. It is best to go back and ensure your workflow protocol consistently uses the same annotation in all the steps.

bmumbler commented 6 years ago

Hi, I just redid everything (using the same 0.6.2) to make sure I was using the same annotation. It seems to be working now; will comment again if I run into it again. Thank you!

fruce-ki commented 6 years ago

Okay, then I'll consider this resolved. Feel free to re-open the issue in the future if there's anything you'd like to add to this topic!