bartosz-antosik / vscode-spellright

Multilingual, Offline and Lightweight Spellchecker for Visual Studio Code
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spell not working on #555

Open andrewufrank opened 1 year ago

andrewufrank commented 1 year ago

I have vscode installed on a Raspi 4 with debian:

Version: 1.78.2 Commit: b3e4e68a0bc097f0ae7907b217c1119af9e03435 Date: 2023-05-10T15:03:34.262Z Electron: 22.5.2 Chromium: 108.0.5359.215 Node.js: 16.17.1 V8: OS: Linux arm64 6.1.0-9-arm64 Sandboxed: No

and cannot get spellright to work. get the messages Command 'SpellRight: Select Dictionary (Language)' resulted in an error (command 'spellright.selectDictionary' not found)

as others have reported after new versions. what can I do?

bartosz-antosik commented 1 year ago

There is no binary dependence for ARM processor on Raspberry Pi. This problem would manifest in similar way as other kind of issue, but there is no resolution to this, for Raspbery Pi, as of today.

andrewufrank commented 1 year ago

Thank you for the very quick reaction! I do not understand: I have vscode working on the Raspi 4 (a plain debian installation, bookworm) and everything works the same as my AMD installation (which is bullseye) - except that I get the error message if I try to start spellright. I do not understand what the dependencies for spellright are but found explanation for the same error message in the past, indicating that some dependencies existed. so why does spellright not work? is it not working because it is an ARM box,, or because i have bookworm and not bullseye? Thank you for clarification!

bartosz-antosik commented 1 year ago

SpellRight uses binary comiled C code which provides Hunspell functionality. Each build of SpellRight must have binaries for a variety of platforms. Currently, these are Windows, Linux, MacOS Intel, MacOs ARM for Mx chips. Building these are a bit of an effort and happens from time to time when the version of Electron changes. This is why you see similar errors which are resolved after a while.

But there is no way (for now) to compile these dependencies for Raspbery Pi.

andrewufrank commented 1 year ago

Thank you, now I understand. Is it just a lack of manpower/time or is there a technical issue with ARM for the (original ARM) instruction set Raspi4 uses?

bartosz-antosik commented 1 year ago

The former. Thanks to support from some clever guy I have managed to make compilation for Win, Linux & MacOs Intel automatic but the other platforms have to be done manually.