bartosz-antosik / vscode-spellright

Multilingual, Offline and Lightweight Spellchecker for Visual Studio Code
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feature request: command for one-time spell-check request listed in sidebar #567

Open aderchox opened 7 months ago

aderchox commented 7 months ago

In case of SpellRight, I expected more distraction-freeness. The red lines within code are really annoying.

Instead, I recommend adding another command for doing the spell-checking only once and listing all the detections in the sidebar! Also double clicking on each of the items in the sidebar must scroll that word into view inside the editor.

I use ctrl + p regularly for issuing commands, but it seems that SpellRight has no such one-time spell-check command among its commands, so I thought recommending it might be helpful to all users.

Thanks for all the amazing work so far.