bartosz25 / spark-scala-playground

Sample processing code using Spark 2.1+ and Scala
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One question in the test case in LazyLoadingTest #7

Closed bithw1 closed 5 years ago

bithw1 commented 5 years ago

Hi @bartosz25

I reading your

There is a test case:

"lazy loaded not serializable object" should "be correctly sent once through network" in {
  val numbersAccumulator = sparkContext.collectionAccumulator[Int]("iterated numbers accumulator")
  // This version is a variation of the previous test because it
  // sends given object only once and thanks to that we can, for example,
  // keep the connection open
  val connectorBroadcast = sparkContext.broadcast(NotSerializableLazyConnector())
  sparkContext.parallelize(0 to 1)
    .foreachPartition(numbers => {
      numbers.foreach(number => {

  numbersAccumulator.value should contain allOf(0, 1)

What do you mean by the comment in the test code:

` // This version is a variation of the previous test because it // sends given object only once and thanks to that we can, for example, // keep the connection open


I don' t know what you mean by keep the connection open, I can't guess what's the scenario you are thinking about.

bartosz25 commented 5 years ago

Thanks you for asking. I pushed a clarification in this commit

bithw1 commented 5 years ago

Thanks @bartosz25