bartoszbielawski / LEDMatrixDriver

A replacement for Arduino's LedControl library
MIT License
74 stars 25 forks source link

Compiling on Arduino 1.8.2: <vector> is missing #1

Closed moette closed 7 years ago

moette commented 7 years ago

If you just install the library and try to compile a sketch with noting more than

#include "LEDMatrixDriver.hpp"

the compile will fail with

LEDMatrixDriver.hpp:22:18: fatal error: vector: No such file or directory

The library should depend on the STL or something. (Or have a hint in the read me ;))

bartoszbielawski commented 7 years ago

@moette Can you tell me on which platform? I will have to check which platforms have what...

moette commented 7 years ago

Current Arduino 1.8.2. There is an arduinoSTL library available. This one contains a vector as well. But uses up a lot of RAM.

bartoszbielawski commented 7 years ago

Dependency on std::vector removed.