baryonsoft / overleaf

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Dependency Dashboard #183

Open renovate[bot] opened 1 year ago

renovate[bot] commented 1 year ago

This issue lists Renovate updates and detected dependencies. Read the Dependency Dashboard docs to learn more.

Config Migration Needed

[!WARNING] These dependencies are deprecated:

Datasource Name Replacement PR?
npm @hapi/joi Available
npm angular Unavailable
npm angular-sanitize Unavailable
npm csurf Unavailable
npm eslint-plugin-node Available
npm istanbul Unavailable
npm passport-saml Available
npm request Unavailable

Pending Approval

These branches will be created by Renovate only once you click their checkbox below.


These updates have all been created already. Click a checkbox below to force a retry/rebase of any.

Ignored or Blocked

These are blocked by an existing closed PR and will not be recreated unless you click a checkbox below.

Detected dependencies

libraries/access-token-encryptor/package.json - `lodash ^4.17.21` - `chai ^4.3.6` - `mocha ^10.2.0` - `sandboxed-module ^2.0.4` - `mongodb *`
libraries/fetch-utils/package.json - `lodash ^4.17.21` - `node-fetch ^2.6.11` - `body-parser ^1.20.2` - `chai ^4.3.6` - `chai-as-promised ^7.1.1` - `express ^4.18.2` - `mocha ^10.2.0`
libraries/logger/package.json - `@sentry/node ^6.13.2` - `bunyan ^1.8.14` - `chai ^4.3.6` - `mocha ^10.2.0` - `sandboxed-module ^2.0.4` - `sinon ^9.2.4` - `sinon-chai ^3.7.0`
libraries/metrics/package.json - `compression ^1.7.4` - `prom-client ^14.1.1` - `yn ^5.0.0` - `bunyan ^1.0.0` - `chai ^4.3.6` - `mocha ^10.2.0` - `sandboxed-module ^2.0.4` - `sinon ^9.2.4`
libraries/o-error/package.json - `@types/chai ^4.3.0` - `@types/node ^18.0.0` - `chai ^4.3.6` - `jsdoc-to-markdown ^8.0.0` - `markdown-toc ^1.2.0` - `mocha ^10.2.0` - `nyc ^15.1.0` - `typescript ^5.0.4`
libraries/object-persistor/package.json - `fast-crc32c aae6b2a4c7a7a159395df9cc6c38dfde702d6f51` - `glob ^7.1.6` - `range-parser ^1.2.1` - `tiny-async-pool ^2.0.0` - `chai ^4.3.6` - `chai-as-promised ^7.1.1` - `mocha ^10.2.0` - `mock-fs ^5.2.0` - `mongodb ^3.5.9` - `sandboxed-module ^2.0.4` - `sinon ^9.2.4` - `sinon-chai ^3.7.0`
libraries/overleaf-editor-core/package.json - `check-types ^5.1.0` - `lodash ^4.17.19` - `p-map ^4.0.0` - `chai ^4.3.6` - `istanbul ^0.4.5` - `mocha ^10.2.0` - `typescript ^5.0.4`
libraries/ranges-tracker/package.json - `mocha ^10.2.0`
libraries/redis-wrapper/package.json - `async ^3.2.2` - `ioredis ~4.28.0` - `chai ^4.3.6` - `mocha ^10.2.0` - `sandboxed-module ^2.0.4` - `sinon ^9.2.4`
libraries/stream-utils/package.json - `chai ^4.3.6` - `chai-as-promised ^7.1.1` - `mocha ^10.2.0`
package.json - `patch-package ^8.0.0` - `eslint ^8.15.0` - `eslint-config-prettier ^9.0.0` - `eslint-config-standard ^17.0.0` - `eslint-plugin-chai-expect ^3.0.0` - `eslint-plugin-chai-friendly ^0.7.2` - `eslint-plugin-import ^2.26.0` - `eslint-plugin-mocha ^10.1.0` - `eslint-plugin-node ^11.1.0` - `eslint-plugin-prettier ^4.0.0` - `eslint-plugin-promise ^6.0.0` - `nodemon ^3.0.0` - `prettier 2.8.8`
services/chat/package.json - `async ^3.2.2` - `body-parser ^1.19.0` - `exegesis-express ^4.0.0` - `express ^4.18.2` - `mongodb ^4.11.0` - `acorn ^8.0.0` - `ajv ^6.12.0` - `chai ^4.3.6` - `chai-as-promised ^7.1.1` - `mocha ^10.2.0` - `request ^2.88.2` - `sandboxed-module ^2.0.4` - `sinon ^9.2.4` - `timekeeper ^2.2.0`
services/clsi/package.json - `async 3.2.4` - `body-parser ^1.19.0` - `bunyan ^1.8.15` - `diskusage ^1.1.3` - `dockerode ^3.1.0` - `express ^4.18.2` - `fs-extra ^10.0.0` - `lockfile ^1.0.4` - `lodash ^4.17.21` - `p-limit ^3.1.0` - `request ^2.88.2` - `send ^0.17.1` - `workerpool ^6.1.5` - `chai ^4.3.6` - `chai-as-promised ^7.1.1` - `mocha ^10.2.0` - `mock-fs ^5.1.2` - `node-fetch ^2.6.7` - `sandboxed-module ^2.0.4` - `sinon ~9.0.1` - `sinon-chai ^3.7.0` - `timekeeper 2.2.0`
services/contacts/package.json - `async ^3.2.2` - `body-parser ^1.19.0` - `bunyan ^1.8.15` - `express ^4.18.2` - `mongodb ^4.12.1` - `request ~2.88.2` - `underscore ~1.13.1` - `chai ^4.3.6` - `chai-as-promised ^7.1.1` - `esmock ^2.1.0` - `mocha ^10.2.0` - `sinon ~9.0.1` - `sinon-chai ^3.7.0`
services/docstore/package.json - `async ^3.2.2` - `body-parser ^1.19.0` - `bson ^1.1.4` - `bunyan ^1.8.15` - `express ^4.18.2` - `lodash ^4.17.21` - `mongodb ^4.11.0` - `p-map ^4.0.0` - `request ^2.88.2` - `chai ^4.3.6` - `chai-as-promised ^7.1.1` - `mocha ^10.2.0` - `sandboxed-module ~2.0.4` - `sinon ~9.0.2` - `sinon-chai ^3.7.0`
services/document-updater/package.json - `async ^3.2.2` - `body-parser ^1.19.0` - `bunyan ^1.8.15` - `diff-match-patch 89805f9c671a77a263fc53461acd62aa7498f688` - `express ^4.18.2` - `lodash ^4.17.21` - `mongodb ^4.11.0` - `request ^2.88.2` - `requestretry ^7.1.0` - `chai ^4.3.6` - `chai-as-promised ^7.1.1` - `cluster-key-slot ^1.0.5` - `mocha ^10.2.0` - `sandboxed-module ^2.0.4` - `sinon ^9.2.4` - `sinon-chai ^3.7.0` - `timekeeper ^2.0.0`
services/filestore/package.json - `body-parser ^1.19.0` - `bunyan ^1.8.15` - `express ^4.18.2` - `glob ^7.1.6` - `lodash.once ^4.1.1` - `node-fetch ^2.6.7` - `range-parser ^1.2.1` - `tiny-async-pool ^2.0.0` - `chai ^4.3.6` - `chai-as-promised ^7.1.1` - `disrequire ^1.1.0` - `mocha ^10.2.0` - `mongodb ^3.5.9` - `sandboxed-module 2.0.4` - `sinon 9.0.2` - `sinon-chai ^3.7.0` - `streamifier ^0.1.1` - `timekeeper ^2.2.0`
services/history-v1/package.json - `archiver ^6.0.0` - `basic-auth ^2.0.1` - `bluebird ^3.7.2` - `body-parser ^1.19.0` - `bunyan ^1.8.12` - `check-types ^11.1.2` - `command-line-args ^3.0.3` - `config ^3.0.0` - `cookie-parser ~1.4.5` - `cors ^2.8.5` - `express ^4.18.2` - `fs-extra ^9.0.1` - `generic-pool ^3.0.0` - `helmet ^3.22.0` - `http-status ^1.4.2` - `jsonwebtoken ^9.0.0` - `knex ^2.4.0` - `lodash ^4.17.19` - `mongodb ^4.11.0` - `pg ^8.7.1` - `swagger-tools ^0.10.4` - `temp ^0.9.0` - `throng ^5.0.0` - `tsscmp ^1.0.6` - `utf-8-validate ^6.0.0` - `benny ^3.7.1` - `chai ^4.3.6` - `chai-as-promised ^7.1.1` - `istanbul ^0.4.5` - `mocha ^10.2.0` - `node-fetch ^2.6.7` - `sinon ^9.0.2` - `swagger-client ^3.10.0` - `yauzl ^2.9.1`
services/notifications/package.json - `async ^3.2.2` - `body-parser ^1.19.0` - `bunyan ^1.8.15` - `express ^4.18.2` - `method-override ^3.0.0` - `mongodb ^4.11.0` - `request ^2.88.2` - `chai ^4.3.6` - `chai-as-promised ^7.1.1` - `mocha ^10.2.0` - `sandboxed-module ^2.0.4` - `sinon ^9.2.4`
services/project-history/package.json - `async ^3.2.2` - `bluebird ^3.7.2` - `body-parser ^1.19.0` - `bunyan ^1.8.15` - `byline ^4.2.1` - `cli ^1.0.1` - `diff-match-patch 89805f9c671a77a263fc53461acd62aa7498f688` - `esmock ^2.1.0` - `express ^4.18.2` - `heap ^0.2.6` - `line-reader ^0.4.0` - `lodash ^4.17.20` - `mongo-uri ^0.1.2` - `mongodb ^4.11.0` - `redis ~0.10.1` - `request ^2.88.2` - `requestretry ^7.1.0` - `chai ^4.3.6` - `chai-as-promised ^7.1.1` - `mocha ^10.2.0` - `multer ^1.4.2` - `nock ^13.0.0` - `sinon ~9.0.1` - `sinon-chai ^3.7.0` - `timekeeper 2.2.0`
services/real-time/package.json - `@hapi/joi ^17.1.1` - `async ^3.2.2` - `base64id 0.1.0` - `body-parser ^1.19.0` - `bunyan ^1.8.15` - `connect-redis ^6.1.3` - `cookie-parser ^1.4.5` - `express ^4.18.2` - `express-session ^1.17.1` - `proxy-addr ^2.0.7` - `request ^2.88.2` - `underscore 1.13.6` - `chai ^4.3.6` - `chai-as-promised ^7.1.1` - `cookie-signature ^1.1.0` - `mocha ^10.2.0` - `sandboxed-module ~0.3.0` - `sinon ^9.2.4` - `timekeeper 0.0.4` - `uid-safe ^2.1.5`
services/spelling/package.json - `async ^3.2.2` - `body-parser ^1.19.0` - `bunyan ^1.8.15` - `express ^4.18.2` - `lru-cache ^5.1.1` - `request ^2.88.2` - `underscore 1.13.6` - `chai ^4.3.6` - `chai-as-promised ^7.1.1` - `esmock ^2.1.0` - `mocha ^10.2.0` - `sinon ^9.2.4`
services/track-changes/package.json - `async ^3.2.2` - `body-parser ^1.19.0` - `bson ^1.1.5` - `bunyan ^1.8.15` - `byline ^5.0.0` - `express ^4.18.2` - `heap ^0.2.6` - `JSONStream ^1.3.5` - `line-reader ^0.4.0` - `lodash ^4.17.21` - `mongo-uri ^0.1.2` - `mongodb ^3.6.0` - `redis ~0.10.1` - `request ~2.88.2` - `requestretry ^7.1.0` - `s3-streams ^0.4.0` - `underscore ~1.13.1` - `yazl ^2.5.1` - `chai ^4.3.6` - `chai-as-promised ^7.1.1` - `cli ^1.0.1` - `memorystream 0.3.1` - `mocha ^10.2.0` - `sandboxed-module ~2.0.3` - `sinon ~9.0.1` - `timekeeper 2.2.0`
services/web/package.json - `@contentful/rich-text-html-renderer ^16.0.2` - `@contentful/rich-text-types ^16.0.2` - `@node-oauth/oauth2-server ^4.3.0` - `@slack/webhook ^6.1.0` - `accepts ^1.3.7` - `archiver ^6.0.0` - `async 3.2.4` - `base-x ^4.0.0` - `basic-auth ^2.0.1` - `bcrypt ^5.0.0` - `body-parser ^1.19.0` - `bowser ^2.11.0` - `bull ^3.18.0` - `bunyan ^1.8.15` - `cache-flow ^1.9.0` - `connect-redis ^6.1.3` - `content-disposition ^0.5.0` - `contentful ^6.1.1` - `cookie ^0.5.0` - `cookie-parser 1.3.5` - `core-js ^3.30.2` - `crc-32 ^1.2.2` - `csurf ^1.11.0` - `csv ^6.2.5` - `east ^2.0.2` - `email-addresses ^5.0.0` - `express ^4.18.2` - `express-bearer-token ^2.4.0` - `express-http-proxy ^1.6.0` - `express-session ^1.17.1` - `fs-extra ^4.0.2` - `fuse.js ^3.0.0` - `globby ^5.0.0` - `helmet ^6.0.1` - `i18next ^23.0.0` - `i18next-fs-backend ^2.0.0` - `i18next-http-middleware ^3.0.2` - `jose ^4.3.8` - `json2csv ^5.0.0` - `jsonwebtoken ^9.0.0` - `lodash ^4.17.19` - `lru-cache ^7.10.1` - `mailchimp-api-v3 ^1.12.0` - `marked ^4.1.0` - `method-override ^2.3.3` - `minimatch ^7.4.2` - `minimist ^1.2.7` - `mmmagic ^0.5.3` - `moment ^2.29.4` - `mongodb ^4.13.0` - `mongoose ^6.11.4` - `multer e1df247fbf8e7590520d20ae3601eaef9f3d2e9e` - `nocache ^4.0.0` - `nock ^13.1.3` - `node-fetch ^2.6.7` - `nodemailer ^6.7.0` - `nodemailer-mandrill-transport ^1.2.0` - `nodemailer-ses-transport ^1.5.1` - `otplib ^12.0.1` - `p-limit ^2.3.0` - `parse-data-url ^6.0.0` - `passport ^0.4.1` - `passport-google-oauth20 ^2.0.0` - `passport-jwt ^4.0.1` - `passport-ldapauth ^3.0.0` - `passport-local ^1.0.0` - `passport-oauth2 ^1.5.0` - `passport-openidconnect ^0.1.1` - `passport-orcid 0.0.4` - `passport-saml ^3.2.4` - `passport-twitter ^1.0.4` - `pug ^3.0.1` - `pug-runtime ^3.0.1` - `rate-limiter-flexible ^3.0.0` - `recurly ^4.0.0` - `referer-parser 8b8b103762d05b7be4cfa2f810e1d408be67d7bb` - `request ^2.88.2` - `requestretry ^7.1.0` - `rimraf 5.0.1` - `sanitize-html ^2.8.1` - `tough-cookie ^4.0.0` - `tsscmp ^1.0.6` - `underscore ^1.13.1` - `utf-8-validate ^6.0.0` - `uuid ^3.0.1` - `valid-data-url ^5.0.0` - `valid-url ^1.0.9` - `xml-crypto ^2.1.2` - `xml2js ^0.6.0` - `xregexp ^4.3.0` - `yauzl ^2.10.0` - `@babel/cli ^7.21.5` - `@babel/core ^7.21.8` - `@babel/preset-env ^7.21.5` - `@babel/preset-react ^7.18.6` - `@babel/preset-typescript ^7.21.5` - `@babel/register ^7.21.0` - `@codemirror/autocomplete eaf909d4ef795ac8fb9dc28fbdcdd69a71b200bf` - `@codemirror/commands ^6.2.4` - `@codemirror/lang-markdown ^6.2.0` - `@codemirror/language ^6.8.0` - `@codemirror/lint ^6.4.0` - `@codemirror/search 6a09ea7eaad138d810f989753036eabce23cc969` - `@codemirror/state ^6.2.1` - `@codemirror/view ^6.16.0` - `@juggle/resize-observer ^3.3.1` - `@lezer/common ^1.0.3` - `@lezer/generator ^1.3.0` - `@lezer/highlight ^1.1.6` - `@lezer/lr ^1.3.9` - `@lezer/markdown ^1.1.0` - `@pmmmwh/react-refresh-webpack-plugin ^0.5.10` - `@pollyjs/adapter-node-http ^6.0.0` - `@pollyjs/core ^6.0.0` - `@pollyjs/persister-fs ^6.0.0` - `@reach/tabs ^0.18.0` - `@replit/codemirror-emacs cea6eaefe2301bf07e7dec54f028537c3fdc4982` - `@replit/codemirror-indentation-markers 1b1f93c0bcd04293aea6986aa2275185b2c56803` - `@replit/codemirror-vim 07f1b50f4b2e703792da75a29e9e1e479b6b7067` - `@sentry/browser ^7.8.1` - `@testing-library/cypress ^9.0.0` - `@testing-library/dom ^9.0.0` - `@testing-library/react ^12.1.5` - `@testing-library/react-hooks ^8.0.1` - `@testing-library/user-event ^14.4.3` - `@types/bootstrap ^5.2.6` - `@types/chai ^4.3.0` - `@types/events ^3.0.0` - `@types/express ^4.17.13` - `@types/mocha ^10.0.0` - `@types/mocha-each ^2.0.0` - `@types/react ^18.0.0` - `@types/react-bootstrap ^0.32.29` - `@types/react-color ^3.0.6` - `@types/react-dom ^18.0.0` - `@types/react-google-recaptcha ^2.1.5` - `@types/react-linkify ^1.0.0` - `@types/recurly__recurly-js ^4.22.0` - `@types/sinon-chai ^3.2.8` - `@types/uuid ^9.0.0` - `@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin ^6.0.0` - `@typescript-eslint/parser ^6.0.0` - `@uppy/core ^1.15.0` - `@uppy/dashboard ^1.11.0` - `@uppy/react ^1.11.0` - `@uppy/utils ^4.0.7` - `@uppy/xhr-upload ^1.6.8` - `abort-controller ^3.0.0` - `ace-builds v1.4.12-69aace50e6796d42116f8f96e19d2468d8a88af9` - `acorn ^8.0.0` - `acorn-walk ^8.0.0` - `algoliasearch ^3.35.1` - `angular ~1.8.0` - `angular-mocks ~1.8.0` - `angular-sanitize ~1.8.0` - `autoprefixer ^10.0.0` - `babel-loader ^9.1.2` - `babel-plugin-angularjs-annotate ^0.10.0` - `babel-plugin-macros ^3.1.0` - `babel-plugin-module-resolver ^5.0.0` - `backbone ^1.3.3` - `bootstrap ^3.4.1` - `c8 ^8.0.0` - `chai ^4.3.6` - `chai-as-promised ^7.1.1` - `chai-exclude ^2.0.3` - `chart.js ^4.0.1` - `chartjs-adapter-moment ^1.0.1` - `chartjs-plugin-datalabels ^2.2.0` - `cheerio ^1.0.0-rc.3` - `classnames ^2.2.6` - `copy-webpack-plugin ^11.0.0` - `crypto-js ^3.1.9-1` - `css-loader ^6.7.3` - `css-minimizer-webpack-plugin ^5.0.0` - `cypress 12.17.1` - `cypress-plugin-tab ^1.0.5` - `d3 ^3.5.16` - `daterangepicker e496d2d44ca53e208c930e4cb4bcf29bcefa4550` - `downshift ^6.1.0` - `es6-promise ^4.2.8` - `escodegen ^2.0.0` - `eslint-config-standard-jsx ^11.0.0` - `eslint-plugin-cypress ^2.13.3` - `eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y ^6.7.1` - `eslint-plugin-react ^7.32.2` - `eslint-plugin-react-hooks ^4.6.0` - `events ^3.3.0` - `expose-loader ^4.1.0` - `fetch-mock ^9.10.2` - `formik ^2.2.9` - `glob ^7.1.6` - `handlebars ^4.7.7` - `handlebars-loader ^1.7.3` - `html-webpack-plugin ^5.5.1` - `i18next-scanner ^4.3.0` - `isomorphic-unfetch ^3.0.0` - `jquery ^2.2.4` - `jsdom ^19.0.0` - `jsdom-global ^3.0.2` - `karma ^6.3.17` - `karma-chai-sinon ^0.1.5` - `karma-chrome-launcher ^3.1.0` - `karma-mocha ^2.0.0` - `karma-mocha-reporter ^2.2.5` - `karma-requirejs ^1.1.0` - `karma-webpack ^5.0.0` - `less ^3.11.1` - `less-loader ^11.1.3` - `match-sorter ^6.2.0` - `mathjax ^2.7.9` - `mathjax-3 ^3.2.2` - `mensch ^0.3.4` - `mini-css-extract-plugin ^2.7.5` - `mocha ^10.2.0` - `mocha-each ^2.0.1` - `mock-fs ^5.1.2` - `nock ^13.1.1` - `node-fetch ^2.6.7` - `nvd3 ^1.8.6` - `pdfjs-dist213 2.16.105` - `pdfjs-dist36 3.10.111` - `pirates ^4.0.1` - `postcss-loader ^7.3.0` - `prop-types ^15.7.2` - `qrcode ^1.4.4` - `react ^17.0.2` - `react-bootstrap ^0.33.1` - `react-chartjs-2 ^5.0.1` - `react-color ^2.19.3` - `react-dnd ^11.1.3` - `react-dnd-html5-backend ^11.1.3` - `react-dom ^17.0.2` - `react-error-boundary ^2.3.1` - `react-google-recaptcha ^3.1.0` - `react-i18next ^11.18.6` - `react-linkify ^1.0.0-alpha` - `react-refresh ^0.14.0` - `react2angular ^4.0.6` - `react2angular-shared-context ^1.1.0` - `requirejs ^2.3.6` - `samlp ^7.0.2` - `sandboxed-module cafa2d60f17ce75cc023e6f296eb8de79d92d35d` - `scroll-into-view-if-needed ^2.2.25` - `sinon ^7.5.0` - `sinon-chai ^3.7.0` - `sinon-mongoose ^2.3.0` - ` ^1.3.1` - `terser-webpack-plugin ^5.3.9` - `timekeeper ^2.2.0` - `to-string-loader ^1.2.0` - `typescript ^5.0.4` - `val-loader ^5.0.1` - `webpack ^5.83.1` - `webpack-assets-manifest ^5.1.0` - `webpack-cli ^5.1.1` - `webpack-dev-server ^4.15.0` - `webpack-merge ^5.8.0` - `worker-loader ^3.0.8` - `yup ^0.32.11`
services/web/scripts/plan-prices/package.json - `csv ^6.2.10` - `minimist ^1.2.8`
services/web/scripts/translations/package.json - `node-fetch ^2.6.7` - `sanitize-html ^2.7.0` - `yargs ^17.7.2`
services/web/scripts/ukamf/package.json - `@fidm/x509 ^1.2.1`