basbruss / adaptive-cover

An Adaptive Cover component for HomeAsisstant to control covers based on the sun's position
MIT License
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Option: Inverse the state won't work completly with climate data #137

Closed Mikemare closed 4 months ago

Mikemare commented 4 months ago

What version of Adaptive Cover are you using?


What version of Home Assistant are you using?



Describe the issue

I work with covers which are controlled via KNX actors within my HA instance. Unfortunately I have to use the "Inverse the state" option because 100% means fully opened and 0% closed. Basic function is working, but as soon I configure the climate parameters including all optional sensors/parameter the "Inverse the state" option wont work here. Above the "High temperature threshold" the covers open instead of closing.

I think the "Inverse the state" option isn't programmed for climate settings (Layman's opinion)

Reproduction steps

  1. Basic configuration of cover
  2. activate "Inverse the state" option
  3. configure "Low/High temperature threshold"
  4. High temperate open cover / low close ...

Diagnostics dump

No response

Mikemare commented 4 months ago

okay maybe I have a knot in my head... i don't thing my described issue is my issue.. sorry for that

the main problem is, I want to set a maximum closing position for my covers. I don't want to use "fully closed" causing stagnant heat between the roller shutter and the window. So my "fully close" and therefore maximal operation range within calculation/present/not-present should be 100%-30% (maximum opening position). I don't think that it possible at the moment (?) If I am wrong, I would be grateful for any tips.

basbruss commented 4 months ago

You can always create a template cover that takes the info from the parent cover and convert the position to the HA convention. I will add some logic when I find time to also auto inverse the maximum position if inverse is selected