bascht / dotfiles

My dotfiles.
GNU General Public License v2.0
3 stars 2 forks source link

Start from zero #2

Closed pxlpnk closed 8 years ago

pxlpnk commented 9 years ago

Because sometimes you need no dots at all.

pxlpnk commented 9 years ago

I am already waiting 19 minutes for this PR to be merged! Don't you accept any contributions? :smiling_imp:

bascht commented 9 years ago

I'm sill meditating whether a file with no dots in it, should carry the file extension dot. BRB

pxlpnk commented 9 years ago

Maybe call it 0.not?

robinboening commented 9 years ago


gregkare commented 9 years ago

That or 0.notdotfile

pxlpnk commented 9 years ago

0.notdotfile seems a bit long. how about 0.notdot ?

bascht commented 9 years ago

Currently prototyping with ln -s /dev/null dots/

pxlpnk commented 9 years ago

how about a dd if=/dev/zero bs=1 count=1?

bascht commented 9 years ago

Come to think of it, I could just drop the .dot, generate dots/{0,1,2,3,4} with corresponding dots and squat #4 with a whole bunch of valid Graphviz files in dots/{0,1,2,3,4}.dot.

pxlpnk commented 9 years ago

Maybe namespace the dot files in dots/dot/


bascht commented 9 years ago
pxlpnk commented 9 years ago

['digraph {',, "•").join(' -> '), '}'].join This could be used to fill the dotfiles with dot compatible syntax to create a dot graph with a dot using dot.

justahero commented 9 years ago

0.dont is for me the obvious choice.