basecamp / kamal

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like capastranio, is that possible to put `-d` flag before the action argument? like `kamal -d prod app version` instead of `kamal app version -d prod` #835

Closed imWildCat closed 3 weeks ago

imWildCat commented 3 weeks ago

I found this does not work.

Would the maintainer team accept any PR to improve this?

kamal -d prod app version
  kamal app boot              # Boot app on servers (or reboot app if already running)
  kamal app containers        # Show app containers on servers
  kamal app details           # Show details about app containers
  kamal app exec [CMD]        # Execute a custom command on servers (use --help to show options)
  kamal app help [COMMAND]    # Describe subcommands or one specific subcommand
  kamal app images            # Show app images on servers
  kamal app logs              # Show log lines from app on servers (use --help to show options)
  kamal app remove            # Remove app containers and images from servers
  kamal app stale_containers  # Detect app stale containers
  kamal app start             # Start existing app container on servers
  kamal app stop              # Stop app container on servers
  kamal app version           # Show app version currently running on servers

  -v, [--verbose], [--no-verbose], [--skip-verbose]  # Detailed logging
  -q, [--quiet], [--no-quiet], [--skip-quiet]        # Minimal logging
      [--version=VERSION]                            # Run commands against a specific app version
  -p, [--primary], [--no-primary], [--skip-primary]  # Run commands only on primary host instead of all
  -h, [--hosts=HOSTS]                                # Run commands on these hosts instead of all (separate by comma, supports wildcards with *)
  -r, [--roles=ROLES]                                # Run commands on these roles instead of all (separate by comma, supports wildcards with *)
  -c, [--config-file=CONFIG_FILE]                    # Path to config file
                                                     # Default: config/deploy.yml
  -d, [--destination=DESTINATION]                    # Specify destination to be used for config file (staging -> deploy.staging.yml)
  -H, [--skip-hooks]                                 # Don't run hooks
                                                     # Default: false
djmb commented 3 weeks ago

I think this is a limitation of thor, which Kamal uses for it's command line interface so it's not something we can change.

imWildCat commented 3 weeks ago

ok get it. thanks!