basecamp / local_time

Rails engine for cache-friendly, client-side local time
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Custom Formats Are Not Working #128

Closed scarrick68 closed 9 months ago

scarrick68 commented 1 year ago

I am trying to set a default DateTime format for my app, so I did this in a JS file and included it into my application.js

import LocalTime from "local-time"

LocalTime.config.i18n["en"]["date"]["formats"]["default"] = "%b %e, %Y"
LocalTime.config.i18n["en"]["datetime"]["formats"]["default"] = "%b %e, %Y"
LocalTime.config.i18n["en"]["time"]["formats"]["default"] = "%b %e, %Y"


I printed in the console and see the updated default format, but all of my DateTimes still show in the original default format. I am only interested in DateTime. I set the default on all of them just in case I was passing an unexpected type.

I called local_time in the view like this with :my_format being added to the formats instead of overriding default:

<%= local_time(@my_date_time) %>

<%= local_time(@my_date_time, format: :my_format) %>
<%= local_time(@my_date_time, :my_format) %>
Annedj commented 1 year ago

HI @scarrick68, if that helps, we did it by passing the format like this:

local_time(@date_time, :time_with_tz)

and specifying the format in our config/locales/en.yml file as such:

      time_with_tz: "%H:%Mh %Z"
josefarias commented 1 year ago

Ah I see what happened. Sorry this is confusing, but rails helpers (like #local_time) will call a different default format than the one specified in LocalTime.config.i18n.

See line 55 here:

Changing this is not trivial. Perhaps the action item here is adding a note to the readme saying that default values shouldn't be changed as it won't behave as one might expect. I'll look into it.

josefarias commented 1 year ago

Actually, I'm going to reopen so we remember to document this somehow

josefarias commented 9 months ago

Done in

For the time being, I'd only recommend using the i18n configuration after understanding which helpers use our getI18nValue JS helper behind the scenes. Not specifying a format will not result in grabbing the i18n config's default format — that's different to the mattr accessors defined on the Ruby side here:

"default" is admittedly a confusing choice of name here. Might revisit later.

kwhandy commented 2 months ago

@josefarias jose, i really confuse of this config

if we leave it(just pure copy-paste), the translation works, but if we change neither in rails views or the js it will revert to english again even we set the i18n in Indonesian

<%= local_time(submitted_at, "%a, %d %b %Y ~ %H:%M %Z") %>
LocalTime.config.i18n["id"] = {
  date: {
    dayNames: ["Minggu", "Senin", "Selasa", "Rabu", "Kamis", "Jumat", "Sabtu"],
    abbrdayNames: ["Min", "Sen", "Sel", "Rab", "Kam", "Jum", "Sab"],
    monthNames: ["Januari", "Februari", "Maret", "April", "Mei", "Juni", "Juli", "Agustus", "September", "Oktober", "Nopember", "Desember"],
    abbrmonthNames: ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "Mei", "Jun", "Jul", "Agu", "Sep", "Okt", "Nop", "Des"],
    yesterday: "kemarin",
    today: "hari ini",
    tomorrow: "besok",
    on: "pada {date}",
    formats: {
      default: "%b %e, %Y",
      thisYear: "%b %e",
  time: {
    am: "",
    pm: "",
    singular: "{time}",
    singularAn: "{time}",
    elapsed: "{time} lalu",
    second: "detik",
    seconds: "detik",
    minute: "menit",
    minutes: "menit",
    hour: "hari",
    hours: "hari",
    formats: {
      default: "%l:%M%P",
      default_24h: "%H:%M %Z"
  datetime: {
    at: "{date} pada {time}",
    formats: {
      default: "%B %e, %Y pada %l:%M%P %Z",
      default_24h: "%B %e, %Y pada %H:%M %Z"

LocalTime.config.locale = "id"

LocalTime.config.useFormat24 = true
josefarias commented 2 months ago

@kwhandy sorry you're finding this confusing!

If I understand correctly, the example you shared is working correctly. That makes sense, it looks correct to me!

But if you change it, then it stops working. Can I see an example where it stopped working? What did you change exactly?

kwhandy commented 2 months ago

@josefarias hi jose, some quick update, this finally works

turns out, it's about library import ordering issue

this is what it should:

import "@hotwired/turbo-rails"
import LocalTime from "local-time"
import * as ActiveStorage from "@rails/activestorage"
import morphdom from "morphdom"
import "./controllers"

and this what i did:

import "@hotwired/turbo-rails"
import * as ActiveStorage from "@rails/activestorage"  // this dude should below local-time when we import it
import LocalTime from "local-time"
import morphdom from "morphdom"
import "./controllers"

for some reason, activestorage block local-time to translate the object which make me confused for days to figure out WHY, even think switch to luxon lol but glad it wouldn't happen in near future(at least) :D