I've added Telegram to my setup using the same method as WhatsApp and thought this would be a useful addition to Omakub - but I've also never contributed to an open source project before so not sure how to go about it correctly.
I simply created a Telegram.desktop file in .local/share/applications with the following code
Hi Everyone,
I've added Telegram to my setup using the same method as WhatsApp and thought this would be a useful addition to Omakub - but I've also never contributed to an open source project before so not sure how to go about it correctly.
I simply created a Telegram.desktop file in .local/share/applications with the following code
[Desktop Entry] Version=1.0 Name=Telegram Comment=Telegram Messenger Exec=google-chrome --app="https://web.telegram.org" --name=Telegram --class=Telegram Terminal=false Type=Application Icon=/home/[USER]/.local/share/omakub/applications/icons/Telegram.png Categories=GTK; MimeType=text/html;text/xml;application/xhtml_xml; StartupNotify=true
where [USER] is my username - I'm not sure how this would be applied to the install script to correctly go in the right folder.
Then I added the attached Icon to .local/share/omakub/applications/icons
How can I help more to get this into the code-base?