basedosdados / queries-basedosdados

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Incluir possibilidade de usar o where no teste de dicionário #621

Closed laura-l-amaral closed 3 weeks ago

laura-l-amaral commented 1 month ago

    - custom_dictionary_coverage:
        columns_covered_by_dictionary: [id_verbete]
        dictionary_model: ref('br_bcb_estban__dicionario')
          where: __most_recent_year_month__
      count(*) as failures,
      count(*) != 0 as should_warn,
      count(*) != 0 as should_error
    from (


            data_table_1 as (
                select id_verbete as id
                from (select * from `basedosdados-dev`.`br_bcb_estban`.`municipio` where ano = 2023 and mes = 12) dbt_subquery
                where id_verbete is not null
            dict_table_1 as (
                select chave
                from `basedosdados-dev`.`br_bcb_estban`.`dicionario`
                where valor is not null
                and id_tabela = "municipio"
                and nome_coluna = 'id_verbete'
            exceptions_1 as (
                select 'id_verbete' as failed_column, id as missing_value
                from data_table_1
                left join dict_table_1 on = dict_table_1.chave
                where dict_table_1.chave is null

        select distinct failed_column, missing_value from exceptions_1

    ) dbt_internal_test