basehc / IPEV

Software tool to identify prokaryotic and eukaryotic virus-derived sequences in virome using deep learning. Used to calculate a set of scores that reflect the probability that input sequence fragments are prokaryotic and eukaryotic viral sequences.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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some warning #16

Open deadblackhole opened 2 months ago

deadblackhole commented 2 months ago


I get the following warning when I run the software with my own files, and the result is empty, but the example file works fine

INFO: Pandarallel will use Memory file system to transfer data between the main process and workers. /home/ws4/miniconda2/envs/IPEV/lib/python3.8/site-packages/sgt/ FutureWarning: elementwise comparison failed; returning scalar instead, but in the future will perform elementwise comparison for v in alphabets if v in sequence] I want to know what is the reason for this, is it my own file?Does this warning indicate a file failure?

basehc commented 2 months ago

The above warning is normal, but the empty result is not. Could you provide the fastas file?

deadblackhole commented 2 months ago

Thank you for your reply. I put the fasta file in the same folder as and run it again to output the result. I thought I could customize the path when I passed the file, because the software default output file is the same as the input file.Maybe some improvements could be made? Another problem is that the software runs on all of my cpus by default, and there seem to be no parameters that control cpu usage, so I can't run the software and do anything else at the same time.