basemkhirat / elasticsearch

The missing elasticsearch ORM for Laravel, Lumen and Native php applications
MIT License
401 stars 130 forks source link

Only run one bulk #119

Open dishcheng opened 4 years ago

dishcheng commented 4 years ago

my config

return [
    # Here you can define the default connection name.

    'default'=>env('ELASTIC_CONNECTION', 'default'),

# Here you can define your connections.

                    "host"=>env("ELASTIC_HOST", ""),
                    "port"=>env("ELASTIC_PORT", 9200),
                    'user'=>env('ELASTIC_USER', ''),
                    'pass'=>env('ELASTIC_PASS', ''),
                    'scheme'=>env('ELASTIC_SCHEME', 'http'),

            // Custom handlers
            // 'handler' => new MyCustomHandler(),
            'index'=>env('ELASTIC_INDEX', 'orders')

     * es为兼容后期版本,一个index最多有一个type

first create index image

then I want add two tables' data to elasticsearch

  $orders=Order::query()->get(['id', 'username', 'phone'])->toArray();
        $this->info('order count is'.count($orders));;
        dump('orders added');//Don't run  
        $products=ProductPublic::query()->get(['product_code', 'product_name'])->toArray();
        $this->info('product count is'.count($products));;
        dump('product add');

after run



index of product_public is empty?

elasticsearch vsersion is 6.8.1

composer.json "basemkhirat/elasticsearch": "^1.4",