baseprime / grapnel

The smallest JavaScript router with named parameters, HTML5 pushState, and middleware support
467 stars 40 forks source link

Another one? #11

Closed binarykitchen closed 10 years ago

binarykitchen commented 10 years ago

Nice software but we already have Page.js, see

Tell me, what's the difference between these two?

baseprime commented 10 years ago

Did you come here to just ask that? Are you suggesting that since there is one type of JavaScript Router then there can be no others? Do not create an issue in a repository just to disparage it. This section is for issues related to this project only.

We're contributing to the Open Source initiative and take pride in doing so. If you don't agree with what we're doing with this project, then don't contribute to it.

binarykitchen commented 10 years ago

@EngineeringMode Yeah, just want to discuss. No pun intended, peace! IMO GitHub's issue trackers are also a good place for discussions, the name "issue" is probably not 100% right.

Anyway, back to topic, I totally agree with you re: Open Source. It is just that I see lots of similar code and modules. Just look over at the npm registry. IMO if one wants to build something, better check first if someone else already did it. If so, ask them to join to make it better and stronger instead of re-inventing the wheel. Of course, there are exceptions, i.E. different opinions, politics, different solutions, etc.

Since I use Page.js heavily, but have few issues with Page.js, I've been on the lookout for a new JS-based router. That's why I raised the above question for a good reason.

baseprime commented 10 years ago

There are a lot of JavaScript routers out there. But each add something different. I personally don't think that Grapnel.js and Page.js are similar, primarily in syntax, usage, efficiency, or footprint.

Maybe the answer to your question on what makes Grapnel.js unique is because it's in its infancy stage, thusly giving more developers the opportunities to make it something else entirely.


binarykitchen commented 10 years ago

Good response :)

All the best! I'll keep an eye on the development. Cheers!