basgren / railways

A plugin for RubyMine and IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate that adds a panel with routes of Ruby on Rails application.
MIT License
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use a custom command to generate routes (for remote/containerized instances) #56

Open rickgladwin opened 1 year ago

rickgladwin commented 1 year ago

Currently the plugin configuration includes a setting for "Rake task name" (default "routes")


Some containerized or custom environments (e.g. where the Rails app is running in a Docker container or remote Kubernetes pod) can't run rake... directly, since the application build exists in the container or remote instance, not on the local/host environment.

Allowing a broader custom command for retrieving the routes (matching whatever command works for the user's development environment) would enable the plugin to work for containerized or custom environments.

e.g. "Routes command" (default "rake routes")

rickgladwin commented 1 year ago

NOTE: this may be unnecessary depending on what happens with JetBrains' upcoming (hopefully?) implementation of remote development that's rumoured to include support for remote Docker/Kubernetes containers.