bashclub / checkmk-opnsense-agent

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Memory section missing #3

Closed virus2500 closed 2 years ago

virus2500 commented 2 years ago


i was using the default freebsd agent previously and with this agent the memory section is now missing.

I think it is just this section

# Statgrab
# To install: pkg install libstatgrab

if inpath statgrab; then

    statgrab_vars="const. disk. general. page. proc. user."
    statgrab_vars_mem="mem. swap."
    statgrab_sections="proc disk page"

    statgrab $statgrab_vars | grep -v md 1> /tmp/statgrab.$$
    statgrab $statgrab_vars_mem 1>>/tmp/statgrab.$$

    for s in $statgrab_sections
        echo "<<<statgrab_$s>>>"
        grep "^${s}\." /tmp/statgrab.$$ | cut -d. -f2-99 | sed 's/ *= */ /'

    echo '<<<statgrab_net>>>'
    statgrab net. 2>&1 | cut -d. -f2-99 | sed 's/ *= */ /'

    echo '<<<statgrab_mem>>>'
    egrep "^(swap|mem)\." /tmp/statgrab.$$ | sed 's/ *= */ /'

    [ -f /tmp/statgrab.$$ ] && rm -f /tmp/statgrab.$$

Maybe you could add this to the next release?

Thanks and best regards Mike

virus2500 commented 2 years ago

just tested it. Seems to be working nicely. Thank you 👍