bashirsouid / AnsibleKopia

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Example kopia.script file #1

Open brmo opened 9 months ago

brmo commented 9 months ago

Do you have a example file by chance?

kopia_service_script_file: /home/kopia/kopia.script


bashirsouid commented 9 months ago

@brmo Sorry for the delay, I was on vacation.

Here is an example file in Ansible land:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

# Prevent multiple simultaneous executions
[ "${FLOCKER}" != "`realpath '$0'`" ] && exec env FLOCKER="`realpath '$0'`" flock -en "$0" "$0" "$@" || :

{% for destination in (kopia_backup_filesystem_destinations + kopia_backup_s3_destinations) %}

if {{ destination.precondition }}; then

    echo "----------------------------------------------------------------"
    echo "Backup(s) started for {{destination.type}}:{{}}."
    echo "----------------------------------------------------------------"

    # Get the PING URL for the check
    CHECK=$(curl -Ss --header "X-Api-Key: {{ healthcheck.apiTokens.backup }}"{{}}&tag={{destination.type}}&tag={{inventory_hostname}})

    # There may be more than one check in the result for each source that needs to go to the destination.
    URLS=$(echo $CHECK | jq -rc '.checks[].ping_url')

    # Indicate that begin snapshot(s)
    while IFS= read -r URL; do
        curl -Ss $URL/start > /dev/null
    done <<< "$URLS"

    # Perform snapshot operation
    /usr/bin/kopia snapshot create --parallel {{kopia_backup_parallel}} --all --config-file="{{destination.config}}" --password="{{destination.passcode}}"

    # Indicate that snapshot(s) completion
    if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
        echo "Backup(s) succeeded for {{destination.type}}:{{}}."
        while IFS= read -r URL; do
            curl -Ss $URL > /dev/null
        done <<< "$URLS"
        echo "Backup(s) failed for {{destination.type}}:{{}}."
        while IFS= read -r URL; do
            curl -Ss $URL/fail > /dev/null
        done <<< "$URLS"


{% endfor %}

And the resulting file will be similar as this depending on your backup destinations:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

# Prevent multiple simultaneous executions
[ "${FLOCKER}" != "`realpath '$0'`" ] && exec env FLOCKER="`realpath '$0'`" flock -en "$0" "$0" "$@" || :

if mountpoint -q /mnt/seagate/; then

    echo "----------------------------------------------------------------"
    echo "Backup(s) started for filesystem:seagate."
    echo "----------------------------------------------------------------"

    # Get the PING URL for the check
    CHECK=$(curl -Ss --header "X-Api-Key: ****"

    # There may be more than one check in the result for each source that needs to go to the destination.
    URLS=$(echo $CHECK | jq -rc '.checks[].ping_url')

    # Indicate that begin snapshot(s)
    while IFS= read -r URL; do
        curl -Ss $URL/start > /dev/null
    done <<< "$URLS"

    # Perform snapshot operation
    /usr/bin/kopia snapshot create --parallel 4 --all --config-file="/home/kopia/.config/kopia/repository.seagate.filesystem.config" --password="*****"

    # Indicate that snapshot(s) completion
    if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
        echo "Backup(s) succeeded for filesystem:seagate."
        while IFS= read -r URL; do
            curl -Ss $URL > /dev/null
        done <<< "$URLS"
        echo "Backup(s) failed for filesystem:seagate."
        while IFS= read -r URL; do
            curl -Ss $URL/fail > /dev/null
        done <<< "$URLS"
