basho / cuttlefish

never lose your childlike sense of wonder baby cuttlefish, promise me?
Apache License 2.0
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Old values that no longer make sense #239

Open tsloughter opened 6 years ago

tsloughter commented 6 years ago

The default config cuttlefish creates says it is raising the limit on live processes to 256000 but the current limit, at least since R16, is higher than that, 262144.

It may still make sense to set a max ets table limit, but the docs incorrectly state "Raise the ETS table limit", there is no limit on the number of ets tables anymore.

Wasn't sure what people think the new limits should be (if any) is why I don't have a PR to include with this :).

michaelklishin commented 6 years ago

@tsloughter I'd go with 1M for processes (RabbitMQ has been using this default for many years, no downsides that I've seen). As for ETS tables, maybe 500K? And, of course, at some point the whole thing should be dropped.

michaelklishin commented 6 years ago

We are in the process of transferring this repo to the rabbitmq org but no idea when it's going to happen. @lukebakken do you know if there were any updates?

Perhaps we should just fork the repo and begin making the changes we want there?

lukebakken commented 6 years ago

@michaelklishin - let me ask some other contacts. The Riak copyrights are now owned by Bet365.