basho / riak-erlang-client

The Riak client for Erlang.
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Maps containing maps are returned as arrays and not map objects [JIRA: CLIENTS-1025] #328

Open mikrofusion opened 7 years ago

mikrofusion commented 7 years ago

When fetching a map containing another map (lets call this sub_map), the sub_map is returned as an array and not as a map object. I would expect that the sub_map would be of the map type so that map methods can be used on it (such as riakc_map:fetch_keys(Map) )


Note: I am using the riak-erlang-client in elixir, hence the elixir syntax.

Example of creating the map:

       map =

        map = :riakc_map.update({"map", :map}, fn(s) ->
          :riakc_map.update({"map", :map}, fn(c) ->
            c = :riakc_map.update({"set", :set},
              fn(s) -> :riakc_set.add_element("biz", s) end,
            :riakc_map.update({"flag1", :flag},
              fn(f) -> :riakc_flag.enable(f) end,
          end, s)
        end, map)

        :ok = :riakc_pb_socket.update_type(pid, {"maps", bucket}, key, :riakc_map.to_op(map))

example of fetching the map:

        {:ok, map} = :riakc_pb_socket.fetch_type(pid, {"maps", bucket}, key)
        sub_map = :riakc_map.fetch({"map", :map}, map)

at this point I would expect sub_map to be a map object which I can call fetch keys or fetch on, instead the object returned is an array, like so:

[{{"map", :map}, [{{"flag1", :flag}, true}, {{"set", :set}, ["biz"]}]}]

This seems incorrect as it seems to remove some of the value of using maps within maps, since the whole object will have to be recreated and re-updated in order to change any values.

Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.

lukebakken commented 7 years ago

Thanks for the report, this seems like a bug. We will investigate.