basho / riak

Riak is a decentralized datastore from Basho Technologies.
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NIF-free Riak #961

Open martinsumner opened 5 years ago

martinsumner commented 5 years ago

This has come up at Riak meetups, and also conferences. Can Riak be run NIF-free (or at least without eleveldb)?

There has also been a mailing list question about running Riak on different architectures - - and a NIF-free Riak would make this much easier.

There is now a pure-Erlang KV backend for Riak in leveled (it does import a lz4 nif, but this is not used in default configuration so stripping this out would be fairly easy).

However, eleveldb is also used as the backend for the riak_core hashtree implementation. This can be disabled in non-yokozuna implementations to use Tictac AAE instead. However, this is still used in riak_core for AAE of cluster metadata.

Cluster metadata isn't particularly big though, so when providing AAE for cluster metadata, eleveldb could be swapped for dets fairly easily. Performance-wise, that may be imperfect if AAE is being used in KV. It would also be possible to swap for leveled (although that like leveldb seems overkill in cases where the only use is for AAE).

I may have a look at this next month as a side project, trying to get a NIF-free Riak branch (with some feature limitations), and see how difficult this is.

martinsumner commented 5 years ago

I think the three main places where there are NIFs are:

erlang_js (JS map reduce) leveldb bitcask

But there is also:

ebloom (not sure it is used outside of riak_repl, and there are pure erlang alternatives) riak_ensemble (has a monotonic clock NIF - could drop ensemble, or with OTP 20 work use native erlang version?) syslog (used by lager syslog backend. Just drop this? Does anyone use it?) canola (PAM authentication used by riak_auth_mods. Just drop this? Does anyone use it?)

So it would need to be a slimmed down riak.

lemenkov commented 5 years ago

I think the three main places where there are NIFs are:

erlang_js (JS map reduce)

Technically this isn't a NIF yet but yes, this is arch-dependent.

leveldb bitcask

But there is also:

ebloom (not sure it is used outside of riak_repl, and there are pure erlang alternatives) riak_ensemble (has a monotonic clock NIF - could drop ensemble, or with OTP 20 work use native erlang version?)

I believe we can use erlang:monotonic_time() as a monotonic clock.

syslog (used by lager syslog backend. Just drop this? Does anyone use it?)

Syslog can be easily reimplemented as a NIF-free library nowadays. Or even better rely on leger/logger and let user decide what to use for backend.

canola (PAM authentication used by riak_auth_mods. Just drop this? Does anyone use it?)

So it would need to be a slimmed down riak.

bryanhuntesl commented 5 years ago

Slimmed down Riak with the bits that work and are actually in use by companies would be wonderful.

Would be great to switch to a pure Erlang bloom filter - as far as I can see though the two projects have license issues. - has a weird Erlang license (lots of talk about patents). - is also using the Erlang license.

Nobody ever really used riak auth / canola - cute idea but I never knew of one customer using it.

Syslog is useless for modern deployments (i.e. containers) as it requires a separate syslog co-process running on the machine - invoked through syscalls - an alternative that logs via UDP/TCP exists - - Apache license in source files.

Leveldb / Bitcask - dump in favour of leveled - for great good.

Riak ensemble - toy / unsupported / unmaintained / not completed by original developer / nobody understands it … no paying basho customer ever used it - lots of problems - plenty of working deployed K/V stores/frameworks out there (etcd / rabbit RA ) - can’t see the point in keeping it.

Erlang JS - more garbage - hardly anyone ever used Map Reduce anyway - the Javascript version was just a marketing ploy - I’ve known of one company using it - and they haven’t surfaced in years - also they ran an ancient version in production - it’s got performance issues marshalling back and forth to the Spidermonkey VM and bundles an ancient slow version 1.8 from 2008.

Burn these dependencies (where possible) with fire.

On 21 Mar 2019, at 12:01, Peter Lemenkov wrote:

I think the three main places where there are NIFs are:

erlang_js (JS map reduce)

Technically this isn't a NIF yet but yes, this is arch-dependent.

leveldb bitcask

But there is also:

ebloom (not sure it is used outside of riak_repl, and there are pure erlang alternatives) riak_ensemble (has a monotonic clock NIF - could drop ensemble, or with OTP 20 work use native erlang version?)

I believe we can use erlang:monotonic_time() as a monotonic clock.

syslog (used by lager syslog backend. Just drop this? Does anyone use it?)

Syslog can be easily reimplemented as a NIF-free library nowadays. Or even better rely on leger/logger and let user decide what to use for backend.

canola (PAM authentication used by riak_auth_mods. Just drop this? Does anyone use it?)

So it would need to be a slimmed down riak.

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andytill commented 5 years ago

I'm not that familiar with changes to this branch but is sext still in use? The performance boost over pure erlang was considerable, the numbers are probably in a Basho private repo somewhere.

llelf commented 5 years ago

sext still in use?

still used by eleveldb backend (but correct me if I'm wrong).

martinsumner commented 5 years ago


Yes it is used by eleveldb (only), and so if we strip eleveldb then sext will go with it.

(btw I also remember the performance benefits were real, there were some big differences with 2i queries - but in testing we get bigger improvements with 2i by switching to leveled, although as much due to better vnode queue management as raw query throughput).


Was something we wanted to burn altogether, but a customer emerged who was using it (they built their tech platform for a superbowl ad campaign on it). There is also continued use in academia (I think @cmeiklejohn is actively using it in his research).

Just for clarity on the purpose of this issue (and proposed side project). The idea would be to have a pure-erlang "nucleus" of Riak. There would still be the option for people to build optional extensions that were non-Erlang (e.g. ensemble, yokozuna, etc).

However, I do think that JS map/reduce should probably be junked altogether and not even be an option in the future.

aramallo commented 5 years ago

My 2 cents here, if sext is used to keep sort order in eleveldb for composite keys then maybe they can be avoided by a technique Russell showed me he was using in BigSets prototype and I’ve been using in my Riak Core based DB, basically you use term_to_binary/1 for each key component and separate it with <<$0>>. Leveldb will keep the order when separating component with $0. In our case we end up using <<0,$\31,0>> as key separator for 6-element keys and it works like charm, removing 50 microsecs for every sext:decode/1 call!